Chapter 19 - A Good Feeling

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As I opened the front door to Justin's house, I heard his voice coming from the kitchen.

"If you need me, I'll come running from a thousand miles away" he sung loudly. I smiled and slowly walked into the kitchen. He saw me and smiled widely. "When you smile, I smile
Oh woah" he sang to me. I laughed and walked up to him.

"Hi babe" I said and he grabbed me by my waist.

"Hey shawty" he said then kissed me and held me closer to him.

"Did you finally finish that song?" I asked him.

"I did" he said nodding. "I don't have to rush though because Scooter said we can drop my next album in a few months" he told me. My eyes widened.

"This album hasn't dropped yet and you're already working on the next?" I asked laughing. He smiled and nodded.

"Did you figure out what you're wearing to my album party?" He asked me. I shook my head.

"I have no idea" I said groaning. He chuckled.

"Well you got a few days to figure that out" he told me. "Actually, let's go to the mall now. We can meet our friends there. That way Ally can help you too" he suggested.

"Okay. Yeah let's go" I agreed. He let go of me and grabbed his phone. I guess to call the guys.

"Ima go grab my keys and my wallet" Justin said then ran out of the room. So I walked over to the front door and grabbed my phone as well so I can text Ally.

Me: hey girl meet me and Justin at the mall? He's calling Chaz and Ryan to go too
Me: and I need your help on an outfit for Justin's party :(

Ally: I'll see you soon then !

"Ready?" I heard Justin's voice as he ran down the stairs. I nodded and smiled. "Alright I'm driving!" He said then kissed my cheek.

I followed him out the door and into his car. As he turned his car on, I quickly put the heat on. He chuckled at me. Then I heard his phone start to ring.

"Hey Scooter" he answered. "I'm about to hit the mall" "why?" I watched as he looked confused. "I'll be fine" "scooter this is a small town. I'll even wear my sunglasses, a hat, and a hoodie. I promise I'll be fine. No one will even notice me." Wow. I didn't even think of that. I forgot Justin is getting fame. "Okay I will. Okay, bye" he ended the call then put his phone in the cup holder.

"He's worried people will see you?" I asked him. He nodded.

"He thinks I'll get crowded by people. I doubt that's going to happen. I'm not big like that yet. He doesn't want me going without Kenny, but first of all, I'll be fine. And second, Kenny is in Georgia" he said with a laugh.

"Who's Kenny?" I asked confused.

"Oh my bodyguard. He's so cool. I can't wait for you to meet him" he told me. I nodded and smiled softly at him. "You'll meet the whole team on Friday" he added.

"Well I can't wait" I told him and he smiled. "Also we are in Stratford. There's barely anyone at the mall anyway" I said with a giggle.



"I haven't worn a dress in a long time. But I really like this one" I told Ally. We just found the perfect dress for Justin's album release party. The boys told us they are in the food court so we are going to meet them there now.

"You look amazing in it." Ally said back to me. I smiled.

"Thank you. You're coming right?" I asked her. "I know Chaz and Ryan booked their tickets" I told her.

"I just got my tickets this morning. Wanna share a hotel room? I don't really feel like sharing one with Ryan and Chaz. I would by myself, but I don't have enough money" she explained to me.

"Yeah of course. Justin's sharing a room with his mom because obviously they do when they flight out all the time. So I was hoping you were coming so we can have a room just us two and explore Atlanta the day after the party. I've been to the US once and that was to Florida only" I told her and she laughed.

"That sounds great. I'm so excited. And this is so big for Justin. Plus I'm sure there will be some celebrities that I can talk to" she said making us both laugh now.

"Of course" I joked back. We turned the corner and saw the boys with five girls that looked our age. We stopped walking. "What the-" I stopped talking once I saw Justin take a group photo with the girls. Once the photo was done, they all smiled at each other and exchanged words before the girls walked away. We continued walking to them and Justin looked so happy.

"What was that about? Was that fans?" Ally asked Justin. He nodded quickly.

"They were like 'oh my god you're Justin Bieber' and totally freaked out" Chaz told us. We all laughed.

"See! You have fans, babe!" I said excitedly.

"That was so cool. It happened once in Atlanta, but I didn't expect it over here. Wow. I don't even know what to say" Justin said smiling widely.

"That must be a good feeling" I said to him as I grabbed his hand. He nodded.

"It was. They told me they loved my music and that stuff inspires to want to write more. I mean I love music and making it. I just- I just can't believe people love me" he ranted. I smiled even wider.

"I'm so proud of you" I told him. I leaned up and kissed his cheek.

"I love you." He said smiling down at me.

"I love you too" he leaned down and kissed my lips.

The feelings I get when I'm around him and when he kisses me, are indescribable. This love is so strong. I know nothing will ever tear us about. I am so lucky to have him. I always said that when we were just best friends, but now we are in love and I mean it on a whole different level now.

I watched as he laughed at something Ryan said. I couldn't help, but to smile as he laughed. His smile, his laugh, everything about him is so perfect. He's a gentleman, he's so kind hearted, he treats me like a princess. Oh god, I hope he never changes. He's the perfect boy. And I know he will never hurt me. I know it in my heart. He's always protected me and I know he always will.

I watched Never Say Never and Believe today... I'm in my feels

In Love With My Bestfriend: Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now