Chapter 6 - You Never Know Till You Try

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"Wait wait wait. You signed up!?" I asked Justin excitedly. We are talking about the carnival that's exactly a week from today. They hold it every year and they did a little concert where people sign up to sing a song. Justin's an amazing singer and I can't wait for people to hear that.

"I did" he said nodding smiling.

"What made you change your mind?" I asked him. We all tried to tell him to sign up, but he kept saying no. That's why I'm so shocked he's doing it.

"I got some inspiration for a song" he told me.

"Can I hear it?" He chuckled and shook his head.

"You can hear it at the carnival with everyone else. I want it to be a surprise" he said so I smiled.

Right now we are at my house doing home work. I was suppose to see Austin, but his friends asked him to go play basketball. So of course he told me never mind and told them yes. So I asked Justin to come over so we can do homework together. We're sitting on my bed working. I watched as he wrote down his answers in his notebook. He quickly caught on to me looking at him and looked up at me. He let out a low chuckle and smiled.

"You staring at me?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Definitely not. I looked at you for a second" I tried to play it off. I don't really know why I looked at him for so long. He laughed and I smiled too shaking my head.

"Oh yeah okay. I caught you" he joked.

"Shut up, J" I said laughing nervously and softly shoved him. He got closer to me and started to tickle me. "Justin stop" I said while laughing loudly. I tried to swat his hands away but kept failing.

"Was I right?" He asked laughing as well and still tickling me. I shook my head unable to say anything since I can't breathe from laughing so hard. "Okay then" he said and kept tickling me and got closer to me.

"Okay! You were right!" I managed to say and he stopped tickling me letting me breathe. He just laughed at me, but didn't move. At this point I'm laying on my back and he's leaning right over me. Our faces were close again. Like the other night at Ryan's. The weird feeling in my stomach came back. It feels like butterflies, but I can't feel that way towards my best friend. Neither one of us moved away from each other.

I watched as his eyes traveled to my lips then back into my eyes. He licked his lips and just stared right into my eyes. I feel like I can't move. I could stare into his eyes all day. I looked at his lips then back into his eyes like he just did. I'm just realizing how attractive he really is. I can't feel this way towards him.

Honestly I did when we were younger, but we were 12 back then when I did. I have a boyfriend now and Justin's been my best friend my whole life. But for some reason the past week I've been feeling different towards him.

He started getting closer to me slowly again looking at my lips like he's about to kiss me. Is this really about to happen? He's about to kiss me.

Then one of our phones started to ring pulling us from the moment. He moved quickly from me and I sat up fast too. I grabbed my phone to see Austin calling me.

"Uh- I- um, I have to answer this" I stammered. I'm so nervous from that. It's so weird what just happened. He nodded and looked away. "Hey" I answered the phone.

"Hey. What are you doing?" He asked me.

"Homework. You still out with your friends?"

"Yeah. We're about to grab food. Then I think I'm going to go home after unless I can come over" he told me. I can't see him after what just almost happened.

"Uh you know I would love that, but I'm not feeling the best right now. I'm going to go to sleep early tonight. But have fun with your friends and I can see you tomorrow" I explained to him.

"Oh okay. You want me to bring you anything?" He asked me.

"No it's okay babe. My mom got me soup" I lied to him. "Thank you though" I added.

"Yeah no problem. Text me okay?" He did sound worried. That's the thing. One minute he cares so much about me, the next it's like I'm not important.

"I will. I'll talk to you later" I said then we hung up. I put my phone down and didn't look at Justin. I don't know what to say. Should I act like nothing happened? Well nothing happened. I mean what almost happened. But there was different something between us there. I felt Justin's stare on me. "So um I'll just finish this real quick then we can order food if you still want to" I said still without looking at him. I just grabbed my pencil. I heard him chuckle quietly. I looked up at him to see him grab his phone and lay on his back. I guess he's done with his homework.

**Justin's P.O.V.**

She's so quiet now. But it looks like she's rushing to get her homework done. I don't blame her for not talking though. I don't even know what to say. I almost kissed her. I wanted to so bad. And it seemed like she wanted it too.  I'm texting Ryan and Chaz right now about what's going on.

Ryan: so what stopped you?

Me: Austin started calling her lmao

Chaz: I don't think they're gonna last much longer bro he's a dick and I think she's starting to see it

Me: I hope so
Me: I'm starting to really have strong feelings for her. I tried to push it away but I don't think it will ever go away

Ryan: we all knew this would happen

Chaz: true ^

Ryan: honestly I feel like if you just kissed her or told her how you feel, she would break up with him so fast and be with you
Ryan: the way she talks about you to everyone just seems like there's more than just the friendship. She loves you

Me: idk man I'm just scared to mess up our friendship

Chaz: then maybe wait until you sing your song at the carnival

Me: fuck I'm just nervous guys. I can't mess shit up with her.

Ryan: You'll never know till you try

I put my phone down and looked over at her. I watched as she wrote in her notebook. She's so beautiful. I wish I knew how she felt about me. She looked over at me noticing I'm staring. I noticed her cheeks got a little pink.

"Now who's staring" she joked with me. I laughed and shook my head. "I just finished" she told me and shut her notebook.

"Wanna order food still?" I asked her. She nodded then got off the bed. I sat up to watch what she's doing. She put all her stuff back in her bag so I did the same.

"I can't wait to play the games at the carnival" she said as she sat back on the bed.

"Yeah it'll be fun" I said smiling. I can't wait for the day.


In Love With My Bestfriend: Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now