Chapter 23 - Problems and Roses

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I smiled as I watched Justin laugh. We're on FaceTime right now on my laptop because he is still away, but he will be home in a few days. I finally got my photos from the photographer from my birthday. So Justin helped me to where we can do screen share so he can go through the photos with me. We got to a photo of him, Chaz, and Ryan looking crazy that's why he just laughed.

"I'm going to print out a bunch of them. Should I print this one?" I asked him and he nodded quickly.

"Yeah. That's a great photo" he joked with me. I giggled and I added the photo to my folder of pictures to print. "You should put them in a book. Like a photo album" he suggested. I smiled a little and nodded.

"I think I will" I said back. I went onto the next photo and it was when Justin was singing to me.

"I want that photo" He told me. I added it to the folder so I can print that out too.

"I really like it" I said smiling at it.

"I'm glad I got to surprise you" he said as I started to slowly go through the photos again.

"I know. It was amazing. Thank you. It was crazy because I saw Scooter walk in at like the corner of my eyes, but I was like it probably wasn't him because why would he be here? So I tried to look around for him and couldn't find him so I was like yeah it wasn't him" I told Justin making him laugh.

"Wow so you saw him?"

"Yeah, but I really convinced myself it wasn't him because I didn't think he would have came" I said and he shook his head with a smile. Then a confused look quickly went onto his face.

"Go back to the last photo" he said in a quick tone.

"This one?" I asked as I went to the last photo which was Ally and Sarah. "Why this-" he cut me off.

"Is that Austin in the back?" He asked and looked closer to the screen. "You invited Austin?" He asked me.

"No, but then-" he cut me off again.

"Clearly you did if he's in the back of this photo" Justin said with a little attitude in his voice.

"I was about to explain what happened" I said back and he took a deep breath and crossed his arms. "I didn't invite him, but obviously his best friends were invited. So he showed up with them so he can give me a gift. And he was saying that he understands he wasn't invited and he wasn't trying to get in, he just wanted to give me a gift. So then I felt bad that he got me something for no reason so I told him he can come into the party" I explained to Justin.

"Why did he get you a gift?" He asked me. He seems really mad now.

"I don't know" I said shrugging. "I was really shocked" I added. He just sat there quietly looking away from the screen. "Can you say something?" I begged quietly.

"I just should have known he would have been there" he said with a chuckle. He shook his head as he looked down. He still hasn't looked back at the screen.

"What? No. I didn't even invite him-" he cut me off.

"But you let him in when he showed up" he snapped finally looking up at the screen. I saw in his eyes how mad he was.

"Because he had a gift for me. I felt bad to just take it and shut the door on him. I felt bad, Babe" I told him.

"I have to go finish this song" he mumbled before hanging up. I groaned loudly. He knows I'm too nice. I couldn't just take that gift from Austin then say okay bye. I went through my call log and clicked on Ally's name to face time her.

In Love With My Bestfriend: Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now