Chapter 42 - Rumors and Suspension

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"Jamie we need to talk" I heard Ally's voice in a stern tone.

"What's up?" I asked in a sigh. I'm already in no mood because everyone has been staring and whispering. Usually everyone stares and I'm used to it, but now it's worse and they whisper.

"Do you know? You seem upset" She said slowly. I shut my locker and faced her. I looked at her confused.

"Know what? I'm upset because everyone is whispering and staring when I pass by. I'm used to the stares, but it's so much worse today. I don't know what everyone's problem is" I ranted then leaned against the locker. I looked back at her and she looked worried. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"Don't freak out. We can leave if you want, I don't mind skipping-" I cut her off.

"Just let me" I begged.

"There is a nude photo going around and someone said it's you so now everyone thinks your nudes are going around" she told me and my eyes widened.

"What?" I asked loudly. "That's not possible" I told her.

"I know. I know it's not you. I already yelled at a few assholes who I heard talking about it" she said and I groaned.

"This has to be a fucking dream" I said as I put my hand to my head already feeling a headache coming on. There's no way this is real life right now. "No one person has a picture of my body" I told her and she nodded.

"I know. Look we don't even have to go to the cafeteria" she said to me. I nodded. It's our lunch period now, but I do not want to walk into the room. I looked around and saw people staring as they passed.

"I can't do this" I said stressed out and looked back at Ally.

"Ryan and Chaz went outside to meet Justin in the parking lot instead of going to lunch. I figured we would go anyway" She told me. I nodded and started to walk towards the front of the school. "It will blow over, Jam" she tried to make me feel better. I just kept my head down and kept walking.

I don't need to see this picture to know it's not me. No one has a nude picture of me. Not even Justin. Why would someone send one around and say it's me? Who dislikes me that much?

"Are you okay?" I heard her ask me.

"I don't know" I answered her back. I felt so many eyes on me. I just want to get out of here. We made it to the front of the school and I quickly opened the door. I almost bumped into a women so I quickly looked up.

"I'm sorry" I heard her say. I noticed it's Austin's mom. "Oh Jamie! How are you sweetie?" She asked me. I gave a little smile considering I'm too upset right now to really smile.

"Hi I'm okay. How are you?" I asked back.

"Well I'm only here because Austin is in trouble so I'm alright" she said to me. I looked at her confused. He barely gets in trouble.

"In trouble? Is he okay?" I asked confused.

"Supposably he got into a fight and punched a kid. So I have to go talk to the principle and Austin's waiting for me to get here so he can go home" she explained. My eyes widened.

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