Chapter 52 - Prom Night

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Justin's music blared through the speakers as I looked around the arena to see it filled with fans. I looked back at the stage and saw Justin preforming. I smiled since I felt happiness just looking at him. I looked back around and all the people were gone.

"What?" I asked quietly to myself. I looked back at the stage to see him still on stage singing. What is going on?

"You shouldn't be here" I heard from the side of me. I looked over to see a gun pointed at my head. The gun is held by a masked man. He had a ski mask over his head. But when I looked into his eyes, they were Justin's eyes.

"W-what?" I repeated myself as I breathed heavily. I looked back at the stage to see Justin just standing there now. He was just staring at us with a straight face. "Justin!" I yelled for him. The guy grabbed me by my arm and pressed the gun against my head.

"He won't help you"

"Justin!" I yelled even louder and I started to cry. "Please! Help me!" I yelled for him. I heard the click of the gun. "No!"

I sat up quickly and took deep breaths seeing I'm in my room. That was a weird dream...

"Are you okay?" I heard Ally ask me. I looked over at her and nodded. She was leaning against my headboard on her phone.

"Bad dream" I said quietly and laid back down. Ally slept over because today is prom and we are going to be getting ready together.

"Today is prom day!" She said excitedly and shook me by my arm. I laughed as I looked over at her.

Today will be a good day. I'll make sure of it. Today needs to be good.


"You girls look so beautiful" My mom said to Ally and I. "Everyone is starting to get here so come down once you're ready"

"Thank you" Ally said back to her and my mom walked out before I could say anything since the door bell also rang. "I haven't been this excited in so long. Tonight is going to be the best nights of our lives" Ally said in an excited tone. I smiled feeling all of her happy excited energy in this room.

"I'm ready. I think" I told her as I finished putting on my heels.

"We are going to turn everyone's head" She said as she stood up. I laughed and shook my head. "You don't seem as excited as I am" she joked. I playfully rolled my eyes and stood up too.

"I am completely excited. I just wish Justin was here with all of us. The five of us have been talking about prom all year" I explained to her and she nodded understanding.

"I wish he was here too. But once we go down stairs and see our dates and finally get to go dance like crazy and have fun, you'll be okay. I promise" She said back and opened my bed room door.

"I am okay. I promise you" I said with a smile and walked over to the door. "Let's go to prom" I said smiling wide and she cheered making me laugh. As we got into the hallway, I heard many voices down stairs. Everyone must be here now. As we started going downstairs, I saw everyone who was here. My mom, Jeff, Ally's parents, Chaz and his parents, Ryan and his parents, and Austin and his mom.

All parents came as well since we are doing prom pictures here so my mom thought it would be nice to include everyone's parents. I looked at the bottom of the steps and saw Austin standing there smiling up at me.

"You look beautiful" he told me as I got down stairs.

"Thank you, Austin" I said back and gave him a hug.

"Just a heads up, my mom is going to take so many pictures of literally everything" Austin joking causing us both to laugh.

"Trust me, my mom is the same way" I said back nodding.

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