Chapter 3 - Jealousy

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I took a deep breath as I walked out of my house. I'm about to go to Austin's house. I've never been there before. All the times we have hang out have been in public. But he only lives two streets down from me so I'm going to walk there. I do have a car, but it's not a long walk, it's nice out, and I could use a walk.

I went to lock the front door then Justin started to call me.

"Hey Justin" I said as I locked my door.

"Hey. What are you doing? I'm bored" he asked me. I giggled because of the way he said he was bored.

"I'm on my way to Austin's. But I can come over after? Or you can come over" I told him.

"Oh" he said quietly. I didn't say anything because I thought he would continue talking, but it was just quiet.

"Justin?" I asked since it got so quiet.

"Uh yeah yeah I'll come over later. Just let me know what time" He agreed, but it was like his tone changed. I know he doesn't like Austin, but it can't be like this everyday with him.

"Okay. I'll text you" we said goodbye then hung up. I'm now already half way to Austin's. I heard a car slow pulling up next to me. Oh hell no. The car came to a stop and I kept walking but looked back to see the window start to roll down. They pulled up a little more so I can see them and I saw Austin in the driver seat. I let out a sigh in relief.

"You scared the hell out of me Austin." I say to him and walk over to the car.

"Sorry I didn't mean to" he said with a laugh. "I thought that I could pick you up since I saw you. Here get in" He says and unlocks the car so I get in.

"Alright. Nice ride." I told him looking around. He drives a red Range Rover. It's really nice.

"Thank you" he said back and started to drive. "So I have a question"

"Okay shoot for it"

"So you and Justin- you guys are just friends?" He asked me. I looked at him confused. The amount of people that have asked me that. Even my mom and Justin's mom has asked us that.

"Yes. We are just friends. He's my best friend" I informed him. He just nodded. We pulled into his driveway and I started to get nervous. We got out and I followed him into the house where he held the door open for me. "Thank you"

"Of course" he said back with a smile. "It's good if we chill down here?" He asked me as we walked over to the couch.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't it be?" I asked back. He shrugged and sat down. He grabbed my hand and pulled me down with him. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and kept me close to him.

"I know we hung out a few times, but we been talking every day for a while now and I have to say I'm really into you. I like you" he told me making my face go red. I couldn't help, but to smile.

"I like you too" I started to talk, but then he cut me off by pressing his lips to mine.

"Be mine?" He asked as he slightly pulled away.


**Justin's P.O.V**

"Why do you guys care so much?" Ally asked us with a laugh. I'm with Ryan and Chaz. Ryan is on FaceTime with Ally.

"We don't!" Ryan said laughing.

"Yeah it's not us" Chaz added and laughed too.

"Yeah you guys do clearly. Since you just asked me a bunch of questions" Ally said back. We were asking her about what Jamie and Austin are doing and just stuff about them.

In Love With My Bestfriend: Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now