Chapter 21 - Friendships and Party Planning

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School has done nothing, but make my headache even worse. Thankfully, I'm half way through the school day. I'm at my locker putting my books away and getting the books I'll need for after lunch. Justin has been gone only few days now. It's going to be a long couple of weeks. I already miss him so much.

I shut my locker so I can start going to lunch and went to start walking until Austin walked up to me.

"Hey" he said with a little smile.

"Uh hi" I said in a confused tone. "What's up?" I asked him.

"I haven't talked to you in a while. I was thinking we can catch up" he told me. I laughed quietly.

"I don't think so, Austin" I said to him and then walked passed him.

"Wait! Why not?" I heard Austin's voice behind me then he was walking next to me.

"Because Austin, we dated, we ended, I'm in a new relationship now" I told him. I just kept my eyes ahead as I walked. I didn't look at him.

"Okay and? We're friends" he said. I sighed and stopped walking. So he did the same and faced me.

"We're not. I'm sorry-" he cut me off.

"We were just talking not to long ago in this hallway when I needed advice. I thought we were okay" he said with a confused look on his face.

"And we were. I was happy to help you, but that doesn't mean we're friends again. Because I know if my boyfriend was friends with his ex and talking with them, I wouldn't be happy" I explained to him. He nodded slowly.

"Because Justin never liked me-" I cut him off.

"No because it's just respect. You're my ex, Austin" I told him. I shook my head then started to walk away again.

"I know I messed up, okay?!" I heard him say from behind me. I stopped walking and slowly turned around. "I know I hurt you and I messed up" he said as he took a few steps to get closer again. "But I realize now that I could have handled everything so differently. I've dated a lot of girls, but you were the only one who truly cared enough to help me through my problems. You have helped me so much. I'm sorry I dated you when I knew I should have been single. But I have been trying to be your friend. Just friends." He ranted to me.

"Austin-" he cut me off.

"I'm not done" he started and I just stared up at him. "I did have feelings for you. That wasn't fake. You're an amazing girl. You're genuine, sweet, and beautiful. When we broke up, I'm not going to lie, I felt regret. And seeing Justin sing that song to you and then ask you out. I felt a little jealous. But I convinced myself, again, I can't be in a relationship. Not right now, at least. I know he's the better man for you and I'm not asking to have anything with you expect friendship. I should have started us off as friends, not a relationship. I'm sorry for everything I put you though. I just need you as a friend" he ranted again. I rubbed the side of my face and took a deep breath.

"I don't- I don't know. I'll think about it" I told him. He nodded understanding.

"I'll see you around then" he said then walked away. What the hell just happened? I walked back in the direction of the cafeteria. That was so weird. He ranted about friendship, then his feelings he had for me, then friendship again. I'm going to just shake that off. I'm not going to think about it, but if I said no, he would have kept trying. I don't know what I'm going to do if he does keep trying. I know Justin doesn't want me to be friends with him and I respect that.


"That longer table can go right over there!" My mom said to the guy as she walked over to him.

In Love With My Bestfriend: Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now