Chapter 16 - I Hate When We Aren't Okay

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"Please see if you can take a day off" Justin begged me. I sighed again. He is over my house right now and we are hanging out in my room. He's begging for me to come to Georgia with him next week. Because of course he's leaving again.

"Justin-" he cut me off.

"Please" he grabbed my hand and made a sad face. I laughed at his face. He's so cute.

"That's not going to work as cute as you are." I told him and he smiled again.

"Come with me please-" now I cut him off.

"Babe I can't" I said for the fifth time.

"I'm going Thursday afternoon with my mom, but I'm staying till Tuesday and my mom is coming back Sunday night. So you can leave with her and can be in school that Monday so you would only be missing Friday" he explained to me.

"I don't want to miss anything and be behind on work. This is our senior year and it's the one I am taking seriously. I need to do good this year because my other years were not to great. I need to graduate. You have a future ahead of you now and it won't matter if you miss days or not because your management can get you onto some home or online schooling and easily get a diploma. I need to keep working hard so I can have a future too" I ranted to him and that's when he moved his hand and had an offended look on his face.

"So you think I don't need to work hard for it? That a diploma will just get handed to me without working for it?" He asked me in a annoyed tone.

"I didn't mean it like that-" he cut me off.

"That is exactly how you meant it. I'm not even famous and you are already starting with the 'you get things handed to you' shit" he snapped at me and stood up.

"No, Justin. That's not-" he cut me off again.

"No it's whatever. I'll see you later" he said then he grabbed his car keys from my desk. I stood up quickly and stood in front of my door trying to block him.

"Don't go. Listen to me" I begged and he rolled his eyes and shook his head. He couldn't even look at me. "Babe" I pleaded. I took a step closer to him so I'm standing right in front of him. That's when he looked at me. I can see in his eyes how angry he was.

"We talked about this, Babe. I said I don't want to lose you if-" I cut him off.

"Who said you were losing me?" I asked confused. "I didn't say anything to indicate that" I'm so confused now. Why would he think that?

"Listen. I said I don't want to lose you if you don't like the outcome of what my life is turning out to be. I also asked if you saw a future for us even with the future I have. You said yes and that nothing would break us. And the way you said what you just said, is making me believe when I do get some fame, you're going to judge how my lifestyle will be. You even said you weren't ready for it" he said and scoffed. "I should have known you really meant you aren't ready for what's to come" he shook his head and walked past him. I grabbed his arm and stopped him.

"Babe" I started to say. "I- I-" I stopped and sighed. He just stared at me. The look in his eyes had me even more upset. But he's right, I'm not ready for what's to come.

"Exactly" he said shaking his head again and pulled his arm out of my grip. "You have nothing to say because I'm right and now I have nothing else to say to you" he told me then walked out of my room.

I just stood there staring at the door hoping he will turn around and come back to me. I felt a tear roll down my face. I quickly wiped it away. I should chase after him. I ran out of my room and down the stairs. But the second I opened the front door, I watched him drive away.

"Fuck" I whispered and shut the door again. I felt more tears fall. I'm such an idiot. I walked back up to my room quickly. I will 100% support him. I always will. And what I said to him was not me judging at all. I wasn't trying to. I feel so bad. I laid on my bed.

I'm so stupid. I should have explained to him that I wasn't judging him at all and it wasn't my intention too. But I stood there like an idiot because I was so shocked at what was happening. I'll call him in ten minutes because I know he will be home by then.

Ten minutes have passed and I tried to call him, but no answer. I groaned. "Please answer" I said to myself quietly and I pressed call again.

"What?" He answered in a low tone.

"I have to explain myself-" he cut me off.

"You had every chance to when I was standing right in front of you" he said. I sighed.

"I know. I was just so shocked, everything was going so fast. And I was confused and trying to think of what I said to make you react the way you did" I started to explain. I heard him scoff.

"So you're calling to explain yourself, but you don't even what you said for me to get mad?" He asked me.

"No. Well, yes. I didn't at first. But after you left, I had time to think and I see it now. I know the way it sounded and if I was in your position, I would get annoyed too. But I can promise you, Justin, I didn't mean it anyway that was bad. I didn't mean that you don't have to work for anything anymore. That's not what I meant at all. It's just I know with people who can't actually go to school, they just have a little advance and you're smart so with that and a tutor to help you, it's going to be easier for you. I know you will still have to do work for the diploma, so please don't take it the way you thought I meant. I just said it wrong. You know I mess up sometimes and say shit that sounds stupid. Babe, please I'm sorry"

"It's fine" I heard him sigh.

"That's it?" I asked confused. I said all that and that's all he has to say?

"Yeah. Listen I'm just not in the best mood right now, I'm very tired, and my head hurts. So I'll just talk to you tomorrow" he told me.

"Oh. Uh okay. Tomorrow then"

"Bye. I love you" he said then hung up before I could say it back.

"I love you too" I said quietly to myself then laid back on my bed. So now I'm going to be up all night wondering if we are okay or not. Yeah, he said it's fine. But he could be lying, but if it was really fine, he would have said more.


I looked over at my clock to see the time read 1:07am. I haven't slept or even almost fell asleep. I'm just so mad at myself. I don't want Justin to think that once he gets fame, I'll be gone. I will always be by his side supporting him. I heard my phone start to ring so I grabbed it from my night stand quickly. My eyes widened once I saw Justin calling me.

"Justin hey" I said confused as I sat up.

"I'm glad you're awake. Come outside" he said making me even more confused.

"W-what?" I asked. I stood up and walked over to my window.

"I'm here" he said with a chuckle. I looked outside to see him leaning against his car in my driveway. I laughed too and hung up. I quickly threw a sweatshirt on and a pair of shoes. I quietly, but quickly ran out of my room and down the stairs. I snuck out the front door trying not to make a sound then walked over to Justin.

"It's one in the morning, what are you doing?" I asked with a laugh.

"I wanted to come tell you in person that I was also wrong for getting as mad as I did at you. I know you didn't mean what I thought you did. I just want to be okay with you" he told me making me smile. He wrapped his arms around my waist so I put my arms around his neck.

"I want the same." I said back. He smiled then pressed his lips against mine. Thank god. I hate when we aren't okay.

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