Chapter 22 - 18th Birthday

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"I'm going to throw up" I joked to Ally making her laugh.

"Stop! It's going to be fine" Ally said while laughing. I laughed too and finished up my makeup. Now that today is my birthday party, I'm nervous. But I know everything will run smoothly.

I haven't heard from Justin in hours so I'm assuming he's still on the plane. Hopefully. He called me earlier and sang happy birthday and all that. It was after his radio interview and while he was packing. Except he never told me when he was at the airport or going on the plane. Nothing. So I'm a little worried, but I'm sure everything is fine and he will be there.

"You look amazing" Ally told me.

"So do you, girl" I said back smiling. She's in a tight black dress just like mine. We thought it would be cute if we got similar dress, but different colors. Except I'm wearing a red dress and black heels and she's wearing a black dress and red heels. She couldn't find a dress so I came up with the idea. "I think I'm done" I told her.

"Earrings? Necklace?" She asked me.

"Earrings? Yes. Necklace- oh shit, no" I said as I put my hand on my chest and realizing I didn't put one on. I walked out of my bathroom and into my room to my jewelry box. I heard a knock on my door. "Come in!" I yelled while opening up the jewelry box.

"This just got delivered for you, Hun" I heard my moms voice. I turned around to see her with a small box in her hand. "It says it's from Georgia" she said with a smile.

"Really?" I asked her. She nodded and put it on my bed. I smiled widely and looked over at Ally who walked into the room with a smile too. I quickly walked over to my bed and opened up the box to see another small box that jewelry goes in. And a note on the side. I grabbed the note first. I unfolded it and noticed it's Justin's hand writing.


I'm sorry I couldn't spend today with you on your special day, my love. I didn't want to wait till after your party to give you gifts. I know I'm inpatient (We all know this) I'm sorry I'll be late. Hopefully this gift will make up for it. I have another one, but you get one for now :) I hope you love it

Love, Justin'

I put down the note and grabbed the soft velvet box. I opened it up to see a beautiful diamond necklace. My jaw dropped.

"That's beautiful" I heard my mom say

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"That's beautiful" I heard my mom say.

"That's so thoughtful of him" I heard Ally say.

"I'm going to go start the car so it will be warm for you guys" my mom said then walking out of the room before I can say anything back.

"Can you help me put this on?" I asked Ally. She smiled and nodded. I moved my hair out of the way. She carefully put it on for me. "Thank you" I said and walked over to the mirror. "Wow" I mumbled to myself.

In Love With My Bestfriend: Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now