Chapter 58 - Back Home

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"Wow" I mumbled as I stepped out of the warm  car and into the freezing Canada weather.

"Thank you so much" I heard Justin say to the driver. I looked over at him to see him trying to grab his bags and mine. I laughed quietly to myself and walked over to help. I grabbed my bags and he smiled over at me. "Ready?" He asked me and I nodded.

"There's so many cars here" I said noticing all the cars parked on my street. "Someone's throwing a party" I joked as we walked up the driveway.

We just got back to Canada and to my house. Tour is now over and it's December 1 which means my birthday is tomorrow. We got back from tour just in time.

"It feels good to be back here. Even though it's absolutely freezing" I said to him and he chuckled.

"It does feel good though. I missed home" he said back. "It's so cold" Justin mumbled as we got to the front door. I opened the door and was scared from a whole room full of people screaming, "welcome home"

"Oh my god" I said smiling widely. I felt happy tears coming to my eyes as I saw my whole family, Justin's whole family, and our friends.

"Wow" Justin said loudly as he was just as shocked as I am. I dropped my bag and ran right to my mom.

"Awe honey. I missed you so much" she said as she hugged me so tightly. I feels so good to be home.


"So I know I just got back yesterday-" I started to talk, but Jeff cut me off.

"Oh god" he joked and I laughed.

"But within the next month or two, Justin and I are going to move into the house that I showed you guys a few weeks ago" I told him and my mom.

"That's great sweetheart. Where is it again?" My mom asked me.

"Calabasas, California" I told her and she smiled wide.

"I can't wait to help you move in. It will be nice to go somewhere hot and take a break from this ten degree weather" my mom joked.

"Agreed" Jeff said as he sipped his coffee. It's been one day home and I am so so happy. Spending time with my mom and Jeff like old time makes me happy.

"I got that date out of the way, now what about you two? Huh, when's the wedding?" I asked them and they smiled at each other before looking back at me.

"February" My mom told me with a smile.

"I can't wait" I said then when I went to continue, but my phone started to ringing. My mom looked down at it considering it was on the table in front of us. It was Justin calling.

"Misses you already?" She joked. I laughed and answered my phone quickly.

"Hi babe" I answered as I stood up and quickly walked into the kitchen.

"Hey baby. Is now a good time?" He asked me.

"Depends" I answered with a laugh. "What's up?" I asked.

"So I was thinking I can come over. If I can" he said and I giggled a little.

"Awe, you miss me already" I joked with him and I heard him chuckle.

"Yes, actually I do" he stopped to laugh again. "I spent the day with my family, but everyones about to go to sleep so I was kind of hoping I can come over for a little" he explained to me.

"The front door is unlocked. Drive safe" I told him.

"Okay bye babe. I love you" he said quickly and hung up before I could say 'I love you' back. I smiled to myself then walked into the living room again. My mom and Jeff were standing already.

In Love With My Bestfriend: Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now