Chapter 7 - Goodbye

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I'm at lunch with everyone at the moment and today is actually a good day so far. I'm in a good mood. Well besides the fact Austin's been acting weird, but I don't even know what to do anymore. But anyway, we're just talking about old fun memories.

"Oh what's up bro" Chaz said to someone behind me. We all looked over to see Austin.

"You know the usual" he said shrugging. Then looked down at me. "Can we go talk?" He asked me. I nodded then stood up.

"I'll be right back" I told everyone with a smile then followed him to the doors to go outside. "What's up?" I asked as we stood outside. He sighed loudly.

"I don't know if this is gonna work anymore Jamie" he told me. My smile dropped along with my heart. I should have saw this coming. "We just always have a problem-" I cut him off.

"Because you create them. You talk to other girls who clearly flirt with you behind my back and right in front of me. You always put your friends first and you never made me a priority. Not once" I explained to him.

"See what I mean? I'm just trying to have fun, go to parties, hang with my friends before we all go to collage" he told me. I fake laughed and shook my head.

"Then maybe it sounds like you need to be single"

"I been thinking the same thing" he said back. I let out a scoff.

"Wow" I said quietly looking away from him.

"Listen I do care about you and I want to still be friends-" again I cut him off.

"You know every time someone doubted you or talked bad about you or told me I shouldn't be with you, I defended you every single time. I got into little arguments with my friends because they disagreed about us and I told them they were wrong. I stuck up for you. Defended you. I thought I was a good girlfriend-" now he cut me off.

"You were a good girlfriend and I appreciate you doing all that. But we should be friends now. Maybe I shouldn't be in a relationship" he told me.

"Yeah maybe you shouldn't. And no I don't want to be friends. Thank you for wasting so much of my time thinking we actually had something" I snapped at him.

"Come on Jamie don't cry please" he said to me. I didn't even realize a few tears fell. I wiped them quickly.

"Goodbye Austin" I said and quickly walked away. He didn't stop me or say anything else. I walked right into the lunch room and to the table to grab my bag.

"Hey what happened?" Ally asked standing up. I grabbed my bag and shook my head.

"Looks like I'm now single. You guys were all right. I was just his girlfriend of the month" I said with a fake laugh and wiped my tears. "I'm going home. I'll see you guys later" I said and walked away before they could say anything. I'm just in no mood to talk to anyone.


"Hun! Justin's here!" I heard my mom say as it sounded like she was coming up the stairs. I sighed and didn't move. I'm laying in bed, under my blankets with some random movie on. My door opened and I looked over to see Justin walk with a bag on his hand.

"Hey" he said quietly.

"I don't want to talk" I told him.

"Then we won't" he said as he took off his shoes and put the bag on my night stand.

"What are you doing?" I asked quietly.

"I'm going to sit with you and not talk" he told me. Then looked over at him. I sighed and nodded then moved over. He grabbed the tv remote then sat in my bed. He put his legs under the blanket and leaned against the head board. I watched him change the movie then put the remote back down.

"Do you think I wasn't good enough for him?" I asked not looking at him but just down at the blankets.

"Why would you say that? You're amazing. You'll always be good enough. More than that" he said and I looked up at him. "He's just not the type of guy to keep a relationship. That is on him, not you. Any one would be so lucky to have you. You're the best girl I have ever met. Don't put yourself down over him. He's not worth it" he told me. I nodded. He's so sweet to him. I put my head on his lap and shut my eyes. I'm so lucky to have him in my life.

"Thank you for being with me right now. I love you, Justin. I don't know what I would do with you" I said to him and felt his hand softly go into my arm.

"You know I'll always be here. I love you too, Jamie. I promised since we were little, no one will hurt you. As long as I'm around, everything will be alright" he told me.

"Thank you" I shut my eyes again, but then I heard a phone ringing. I groaned and sat up. I grabbed my phone and saw Ally is calling me. "Hey" I answered the phone.

"Hi so okay before you say no. Just listen okay?" She started off.

"Oh god. Okay. What's up?" I asked. She got me nervous now.

"So me and Sarah think it's a good idea if the three of us go to the club tonight-" I cut her off.

"No. No I'm not going. I'm way to upset-" now she cut me off.

"I'm picking you up at 8-"

"I'm not-"

"Please. Please come. We have no school tomorrow. We need to have fun. You need to have fun. It's going to be a nice girls night or the boys can come too. I don't care, but please" she begged. I rolled onto my back and signed as I stared up at the ceiling. Should I? Will I even enjoy myself there? "What do you say?" I heard Ally break the silence.

"Fine. Okay" I agreed and she cheered loudly. I laughed and looked up at Justin. He was looking down at my confused. "So girls night or are we inviting the guys?" I asked.

"To what?" Justin asked me.

"The club" I answered him.

"Who are you talking to?" Ally asked me.

"Justin. He's over my house right now" I told her.

"Oooohh. Okayy" she dragged out her words in a certain tone. Oh god.

"Why did you say it like that?" I asked with a laugh.

"Oh nothing. So boys then?"

"Yeah let's invite them. I'll see you at 8 then" I told her then hung up. "Guess we are going to the club tonight" I told Justin as I looked over at him.

In Love With My Bestfriend: Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now