Chapter 37 - Broken Phone

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At the moment, I'm at my locker switching books. It's a Thursday which means we are almost done with the school week. I grabbed my phone from my bag and saw a few text from Justin. I haven't touched my phone all morning and now I'm going to lunch.

9:45am - Justin: hey baby
9:46am - Justin: ik youre at school but i just wanna say i love you and i hope youre having a great day
10:50am - Justin: you okay?

I shut my locker and started to walk to lunch and text Justin at the same time when I bumped right into someone. It caused me to drop my phone and the textbook I was holding.

"I'm so sorry. That was my fault" I heard Austin's voice instantly. Of course it's him. I looked up at him.

"It's okay" I said back before going to grab my stuff. He quickly bent down and picked up my textbook which revealed my shattered phone underneath. "No way" I said out loud then grabbed my phone.

"Shit I'm sorry. I wasn't paying attention" Austin said as we both stood back up. I took a deep breath and grabbed my textbook from his hands.

"Neither was I. It's fine" I said in an annoyed tone. It couldn't be anyone else in this school? I went to walk away, but I heard him say my name making me stop and look back at him.

"I'm sorry for not just that, but for showing up to your house that day and basically ambushing you with my feelings" he told me. I nodded.

"I appreciate the apology" I said then turned back around.

"You're back with him, aren't you?" I heard him ask. Again, I turned to face him. "That's all I see on the internet and that's all I hear about in school" he said. I nodded once again.

"I told you things were going great between me and him again. And you know how much I love him. You even said it yourself, it will always be Justin. I'm sorry it's not what you want to hear, but I'll always love him" I told him. I saw sadness appear in his eyes. I turned around quickly and walked away before I felt bad for him all over again. I looked down at my phone to look at the damage. It won't even turn on. Only my luck. I shoved it into my bag and walked into the cafeteria. I went straight to our usual table and only Ryan and Chaz were there so far.

"Sup JC" Chaz greeted me. He sometimes will randomly call me 'JC' as a nickname, my initials.

"You look pissed" Ryan said as I sat down.

"I am. I just broke my phone. It won't even turn on" I told them.

"What happened?" Chaz asked.

"Well I bumped into someone because I wasn't paying attention and dropped my phone with my textbook and it fell right into my phone" I explained as I dug my hand into my bag. I grabbed my phone and put it on the table for them to see. Both their eyes widened as they saw.

"Damn" Ryan said.

"That sucks. I'd be pissed" Chaz added.

"Can I use someone's phone to text Justin?" I asked them both.

"You can use mine" Ryan said since his phone was already in his hand. I watched him go onto his phone then hand it over a few seconds later.

"Thank you" I said as I grabbed it. I noticed it's already on his convo with Justin.

Me: hey it's Jamie. I broke my phone and I don't know if I can get it fixed today or tomorrow but I'll call you from my house phone later on. love you

I handed Ryan his phone back then Ally came to the table.

"You suck at texting me back today" Ally said to me as she sat down. I frowned then pointed at my shattered phone laying in front of me on the table. She looked down and her jaw dropped. "Oh shit. No way" she said looking back at me. I just nodded. "What happened?" She asked.

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