Chapter 13 - Advice

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"I know you guys don't want to hear about it because it's Justin. But that was the best night ever. I just- It felt so good" I explained to the girls. We just got to the lunch table and the guys aren't here yet so I'm telling them about last night.

"Good, girl. You need good sex in your life" Sarah said making us laugh.

"And we're so in love so it was even better. There's so much connection between us" I told them.

"There's been a clear connection between you guys for years now" Ally said making me smile more.

"I wish I noticed sooner" I said shaking my head. "And it just keeps replaying over and over again in my head all day."

"What is?" Ryan asked as him and Chaz sat down.

"Nothing" The three of us said quickly. The guys laughed.

"Okay weird" Ryan said shaking his head.

"Ohhh they're talking about last night" Chaz said to Ryan and nudged him with his elbow.

"Ew" Ally said.

"Oh my god" I groaned and covered my face with my hands. The boys laughed again.

"You think Justin wouldn't tell us?" Ryan joked with me. I looked up at him squinting my eyes a little.

"Change the subject" I told him and we all laughed.

"I can't believe he's leaving again today" Chaz said shaking his head.

"Yeah I know" Ally said back.

"This is going to happen a lot" I told them.

"What about school? We're seniors. We have graduation, prom, a lot of other things. And he's missing so much" Sarah asked me. I shrugged.

"No idea" I said back.

"Maybe online school" Ryan suggest shrugging.

"Hey Jamie" I heard from my side. We all looked over and I saw Austin. I sighed.

"What?" I asked him.

"Bro not to be disrespectful, but what do you want?" Ryan asked Austin. I tried not to smile. I love Ryan. He's always got my back. Austin shook his head, took a deep breath and looked back at me.

"Can I talk to you?" He asked me. I shook my head.

"Austin there's nothing for us to talk about" I said to him and he sighed.

"Please. This is something that I can't talk to my friends about and while we were dating, I talked to you about it. You are the only person who knows and understand. Please Jamie. Just five minutes" he begged me. I sighed too and looked over at my friends then back at Austin.

"Okay" I said quietly and stood up.

"Jamie" Ally said confused to me.

"I said okay because I think I know what he's talking about and his friends never understood like I do" I told them. The guys rolled their eyes. "I'm just giving him advice. I'll be back in like five minutes" I said grabbing my bag then looked at Austin. "Come on" I said with no emotion. We started to walk away from the table.

"It's starting to get colder outside. Want to go in the hallway?" Austin asked me. I nodded. It's near the end of October so the temperature is started to drop slowly.

"So is this about your mom?" I asked him once we left the cafeteria.

"Yeah" he said and sighed loudly. "So her boyfriend is just so much more disrespectful. There's times I swear he is going to hit me. And then I'll explain to my mom in detail everything he says and she still wants to take his side. I love her so much and she's always so sweet, but she wasn't like this before him. She always picked me first. He manipulates her and she thinks he's so nice. Like how? He's an asshole" he ranted to me.

In Love With My Bestfriend: Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now