Chapter 32 - Admitted Feelings

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"Really?" I asked Justin with a giggle. I'm at school walking to my locker and on the phone with Justin. Today is Monday so it's been two days since he left again. "Sounds like you will have fun" I added. He is telling me about his plans this weekend in New York City.

"We will have fun" he said making me confused. I laughed.

"Oh yeah? Through FaceTime?" I joked. I got to my locker and spun the lock a few times opening it up.

"No. I want you to come with me. You can leave Friday after school and be home by Sunday night" he told me. I sighed.

"I would love nothing more, but I can't. I'm sorry" I gave him an answer as I switched my books.

"Why?" He asked groaning. I shut my locker and leaned against it since I have a few more minutes till class starts and its right down the hall way.

"Because I can't spend the money right now when I'm trying to-" he cut me off.

"Woah stop" he said with a laugh. "Who said you would be paying for your ticket?" I saw that one coming.

"Justin-" again he cut me off.

"I wouldn't let you pay for it when you are flying to see me" he told me. "I will handle everything. I just need a yes or no answer"

"Are you sure?" I asked him.

"Of course" he answered me.

"Okay" I couldn't help, but to smile over the fact I could possibly see him this weekend again.

"O-okay? Like okay yes?" He asked and I can hear the excitement in his voice making me laugh.

"Yes. Yes, I'll come" I told him.

"Okay good. Great. I'll get the tickets later on when I get back to my place. I'll send you all the details" he said to me then I heard voices in the back ground. "Alright I have to go record now. I'll text you later"

"Okay bye Justin" I said then we hung up. I slid my phone into my bag and tried to stop smiling. I looked up to start walking to class and saw Austin. He looked at me and stopped walking. We have the next class together.

"You done acting like I don't exist?" He asked me. I couldn't help, but roll my eyes.

"You're being dramatic" I told him and started walking to class. He followed next to me. "Plus you have no right to be mad at me and I have every right to be mad at you" I snapped at him.

"What the fuck. Why?" He asked confused.

"You left the hospital without even seeing if I was okay. Yeah Justin kicked you out, whatever, but a simple text or call from you would have been nice" I told him as we stopped walking and faced each other. He sighed.

"I didn't want Justin to talk you into not talking to me anymore" he admitted. "Let me make it up to you"

"You don't have to-" he cut me off.

"Come on. We can go for lunch this weekend or dinner during the week" he offered.

"I'm going away this weekend" I told him.

"During the week then"

"Listen Austin-" I stopped to take a deep breath. "Things are great again with Justin and I don't want him to think again that you and I are anything more than friends" I told him. I saw anger in his eyes.

"Wow" he quietly said and slowly shaking his head.

"Don't take it the wrong way, please. You're a great friend-"

In Love With My Bestfriend: Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now