Chapter 15 - Halloween

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I sighed as I got out of the Uber. I ubered to this Halloween party by myself. Everyone is inside already. I wasn't ready when they were, so I convinced them to go without me. It was hard to convince Justin, but I told him to just go with the guys.

Honestly, I don't want to be here that's why I took my sweet time getting ready. Everyone's been here for almost forty-five minutes now. I decided to dress as a devil. Very simple and basic, I know. But I had this red dress forever and no where to wear it so I bought devil horns and just put on the dress and a pair of red heels I had.

I walked up the lawn and passed the people outside. Once I got into the house, I saw so many people are here. Wow. It might be hard to find the group. I stopped walking and look down at my phone. I'll text the group chat we all have.

"Hey" I heard from the side of me. I looked up quickly to see Chaz. I smiled and relaxing seeing it's him.

"Hey" I said back. "I was about to text everyone. There's so many people here" I told him and he nodded.

"Yeah there are. Come on" he said nodding his head in a direction. So I followed him through the people. "You took long" he joked as he looked back at him quickly. I playfully rolled my eyes.

"I started getting ready late" I said back. Finally, I saw the rest of the group. Except Justin. But I kept my smile and greeted them all.

"You look hot!" Ally yelled making me laugh.

"Thank you!" I said back giggling. "Where's Justin!?" I asked Ryan. He pointed behind me. I looked back and saw Justin talking to this kid Jake. There were a girl on each side of Jake just staring at Justin fluttering their eyelashes. "Ew" I said out loud. I turned back to the group and frowned.

"He went over there to talk to Jake. That's it" Ryan told me. I nodded.

"I know. Girls are just annoying" I said to him. I looked back over there and saw Justin saying something making the girls laugh.

"Go over there" I heard Sarah say so I turned back around and shook my head.

"I'm just going to get a drink" I told them then walked away. I walked into the kitchen and saw cups and many things alcohol. I grabbed a cup then walked over to the bottles where a girl from school is.

"Oh hey Jamie!" Alyssa said to me smiling widely. I smiled back.

"Hi Lys" I said and poured myself a drink.

"Enjoying the party?" She asked.

"I actually just got here, but so far yes" I told her and giggled.

**Justin's P.O.V**

"Nah bro, but that sounds really cool" Jake said back to me after we stopped laughed.

"Yeah it is" I said then looked over to the group to see Jamie is here now. "Hey man, I'll check back up with you later" I told Jake and he nodded agreeing.

"Bye Justin!" The girls said at the same time.

"Um bye" I said back and laughed. Weird. They were staring at me the whole time. I was really creeped out. And they laughed at everything I said that was slightly funny. Weird girls. I got to the group and noticed Jamie wasn't with them anymore. "Yo, where's Jamie?" I asked everyone.

"She went to get a drink" Ally told me. I nodded.

"She looked really jealous when she got here and saw you laughing with those girls" Chaz told me. My eyes widened a little bit.

"I was talking to Jake, not them" I said and groaned. "I'll be back" I told them then walked away to the kitchen. I saw Jamie standing there with Alyssa. "Hey" I said to Jamie as I stood right next to her. She looked over at me and faked smiled. I've known her forever so of course I know when her smile isn't real.

"Hi" she said back to me and took a sip of her drink.

"It was nice talking to you, Jamie" Alyssa said to Jamie then walked away. Jamie leaned against the counter and faced me before taking another sip of her drink.

"Having fun so far?" She asked me and I took a deep breath then looked her in the eyes.

"Ryan told me you were jealous? Of what?" I asked confused. She shrugged.

"Me? No" she answered shaking her head and looked away from me. She's not a good liar. I put my thumb under her chin and made her look at me. She looked me in the eyes and I saw in her eyes she wasn't happy.

"What happened?" I asked her. She sighed.

"You said something making those girls laugh and it just got me a little jealous" She answered me quietly. Her eyes never unlocked from mine. I moved my hand away.

"I didn't have one conversation with those girls. I know many guys have gave you reasons to doubt them and broke your trust, but you know me-" I stopped talking once she looked away from me. "Hey hey. No- look at me" I said and this time grabbed her face in my hands. "You know me. I would never do anything that would hurt you. You know that" I said to her. It kind of hurts that she thinks I would do something that would hurt her.

"Majority of the girls in the school are in love with you" She said frowning still.

"And I'm in love with you. Baby, I'm all yours. You are the only girl with my attention" I told her and I saw her try to fight her smile. I kissed her for a moment then pulled away and moved my hands from her face. "I love you" Thats when she smiled. Finally. I been looking forward to seeing that all day.

"I love you too" she said then wrapped her arms around me hugging me. I hugged her back tightly.

"You look beautiful" I told her and again she smiled and blushed a bit.

"Thank you" she said back then took a sip of her drink. "I'm getting drunk" she joked and shook an even better sip. I laughed and shook my head.

In Love With My Bestfriend: Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now