Chapter 36 - News Articles

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"Oh my god are you Justin's Bieber girlfriend?" Chaz joked in a girl voice as I got to the lunch table. I laughed loudly as I sat.

"Or just friends with benefits" Ryan joked too with his hands on the side of his face.

"I hate you guys" I joked back and looked at Ally. "Why are they like this?" I asked and she laughed too.

"Well because of the articles" she told me and I instantly got confused.

"What articles?" I asked and she looked at me confused.

"Have you not been on your phone in over twenty four hours?" She asked with a laugh. I just stared at her confused.

"How the hell does the whole school know, but not you" Chaz said laughing. I looked at them all confused.

"Jam you live under a rock" Ryan joked shaking his head and continued to eat.

"Go on google and look up 'Justin Bieber girlfriend'" she told me. Oh god. I grabbed my phone quickly from my pocket and typed it in. I only got back from New York City yesterday. My eyes widened after I searched it. There are so many articles talking about Justin and I.

"Bieber claims they aren't together at the moment, but do we believe that by looking at these pictures? Is he lying?" I read out loud. "What the fuck?" I whispered.

I scrolled down to the pictures and saw a paparazzi photo of us walking out of the restaurant holding hands then two more photos of us at the basketball game of us staring at each other smiling with his arm wrapped around me then us kissing.

Wow. Of course someone took photos of us there. I don't even know why I'm surprised. I left that article and saw five more. All about Justin's love life because of course everyone is interested. I put my phone down and sighed.

"No wonder I been being stared at by literally everyone all day" I said groaning.

"Really?" Ally asked me. I nodded.

"Everyone I walked by would stare at me. It's super annoying" I told her.

"Justin's a celebrity now. Shits going to happen" Chaz said shrugging. "Do you know how people are trying to act like they are friends with me and Ryan?"

"All because we're friends with Justin" Ryan said shaking his head.

"I'm not dealing with that. I don't want people staring at me in school, I don't want fake people trying to be my friend to get to Justin. I don't want news articles on whether I'm dating Justin or not. It's no one business" I said getting annoyed. Maybe I'm over reacting, but I've been upset since I left Justin. So everything is bothering me extra.

"You guys are back together though right?" Chaz asked making me glare over at him.

"Yes" I answered then grabbed my phone again. I know I probably shouldn't, but I'm going to read another article. I clicked on one that says 'Justin Bieber's lover or friend?'. The cover picture was of us at the game. It was different than the other two I've seen. It was of me laughing and Justin staring at me with a smile on his face. I held back my smile as I stared at the picture. I screenshot it because it actually is a really nice photo. I scrolled past the picture to read.

'Everyone has been wondering what girl has been the muse to Justin Bieber's music. Whether it was his best friend from his hometown or someone else. Of course, his fans know him well and are basically detectives and claim it has to be his girl best friend, Jamie Collins. They've found pictures posted of the two on both of their accounts with captions hinting at the two dating. Within the past month, Justin has been seen without a girl by his side, until this weekend when some of our questions were answered. Bieber had an interview at The Today Show and when he was asked if he was in love, he said this, "Yeah. I'm definitely in love. We aren't together at the moment because of my schedule, but I'm very much in love with her and I always will be.... she's actually here with me for the weekend" he even blushed at the thought of her! After that, pictures of him getting her at the airport surfaced. Then the two went to dinner and even held hands as they left. After that, we got pictures of them at a basketball game being real cozy with each other and there was even kissing. Adorable! What do you guys think?'

In Love With My Bestfriend: Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now