Chapter 27 - What About Us?

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"Scooter wants me to move here"

"What?" I asked quietly. He nodded and looked away. I shook my head. "You're not going to do it, right?" I asked making him look back at me. I looked into his eyes trying to figure out what could possibly be going through his mind. But he just stared at me. He looked worried. "You are" I said shocked.

"Yeah" he said making my stomach turn. "I said yes" he told me.

"I-" I just shut my mouth and looked away. I tried to wrap my mind around it. I wish I was still dreaming.

"Hey" he softly said and put his hand on my cheek making me look at him. "This will be good for me. I have so much to focus on. Moving here will help me. I can't keep flying back and fourth every week to work on my career. My career is going up and it's going so good. This will be my opportunity to better my career and really put my all in" he explained to me.

"I understand" I managed to say. My boyfriend is moving out of the country. How could we even make it work? It will help his career, but ruin our relationship. I felt myself wanting to cry. But I try my hardest not to show it. I want him to be happy and do what he needs to do and not have to worry about me. I won't say how sad I am. "I'm happy for you" I said and forcing a small smile.

"Thank you" he said quietly. He didn't smile and his hand didn't leave my cheek. His thumb rubbed my cheek softly and slowly.

"Is it selfish to ask, what about us?" I asked him. He shook his head.

"No. It's not" he answered. "I believe we can make it work. I'm going to be really busy, but you know I would call whenever I got the chance too. If you don't think we can handle this, then we can end things for now. I don't want too, but I want to do what's best for you and it's your choice" he told me.

"We can definitely try babe" I said to him. "I don't want to lose you" and that's when a tear fell. He wiped it away for me.

"Please don't cry" he quietly said. "I'm sorry. I really am. I just need to do this for my-" I cut him off.

"Don't say sorry. It's all okay" I lied and gave a weak smile. He let go of my face and pulled my body to his. "I'm proud of you. You're progressing and you're going to be really happy" I said as I laid my head on his chest. I tried to take deep breaths and not cry any more.

"I hope you know that means the world coming from you." I heard him say then kissed the top of my head. "I love you so damn much. It really hurts to be leaving you" I lifted my head to look at him again. He looked sad. "Don't feel like you have to be with me still-" I cut him off.

"But I love you" I said confused. "I want to try"

"I don't know when I will see you again" he told me. I watched as he took a deep breath. "We will definitely try because if we can do this, then that would be great. But if I'm as busy as I think I will be, it's going to be hard" He explained.

"Then we'll see. We will see how it goes"

"Good because I love you. I just don't want to hold you back from living your life. I know you love me too and you want to try as much as I do, but I would never keep you roped into something you can't have right in front of you" he said to me making my heart hurt a little more. I laid my head back on his chest and he held me tighter. I need these days here to go by slower.


I laughed as I sat on Justin's bed. I have been helping him pack everything for the past two hours. He leaves in a few days sadly. But we are spending every second we can together. I go back to school the day he leaves. He smiled a little as he sat down next to me.

"I'll miss this" he said quietly as he wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me closer. My smile slowly dropped as I nodded agreeing.

"It's going to be weird not having you around anymore" I told him. He moved some of my hair to behind my ear and laid his hand on my cheek.

"I will visit whenever I can take a long weekend off. Or whenever you can visit, please do" he told me. I stared him in the eyes as he took a deep breath. "Just know how much I love you and how it hurts to be leaving you. It hurts how I won't be able to touch you the way we are now or kiss you whenever I want" he said with pain clear in his voice. It pained me more. "I don't think I should hold you back. I love you and want you all to myself, but it won't be easy living in a different country and not seeing you at all when there's other guys that can now give you what I can't-"

"Woah Justin. Stop" I shook my head making his hand drop from my face and onto my lap. "You are everything to me. I don't even want to think about another guy. If we do take a break, I don't want it to be because you're thinking of me moving on. I'd want it to be because we physically just can't be together" I explained to him.

"Long distance never ends well. I know we trust each other with everything in us. But I- I just don't want to ruin what we have from lack of commutation, lack of affection which is hard to give you when being hundreds of miles away. I'd rather put a pause on us then to destroy everything" he told me. I felt myself, again, wanting to cry. I wish this was fake. I wish I knew when I would see him next after he leaves. "I'll be moving back here, but not for a while" he added once I didn't say anything back trying to control my emotion. I nodded and looked down. I felt tears come to my eyes, but I don't want him to see. "Please say something" I heard him say in soft tone. "Do you agree, disagree? Talk to me please" he begged.

"I agree" I looked up at him and saw more pain in his eyes once he noticed I started to cry. He sighed loudly and pulled me to his chest, hugging me tightly. He leaned his head against mine. I let myself cry at the tears I have been holding in. His hand ran up and down my back slowly.

"Yo J-" I heard suddenly and heard his bed room door open. We both quickly picked up our heads. I saw Ryan standing in the door way with a surprised look with Chaz behind him with the same look.

"I'm sorry I didn't-" Justin cut Ryan off.

"It's all good, man" He said and tightened his grip around my waist. "Hey, just give me five minutes and I'll meet you downstairs" Justin told them.

"Yeah of course, bro" Chaz said before they shut the door quietly. I looked back at Justin who was already staring at me. He wiped my remaining tears from my cheeks gently.

"So since you agreed, I guess we will take a break" he slowly said. I nodded.

"Yup" I agreed with a sigh. "Just don't forget about me. Please still text or call when you can" I begged.

"How could I ever forget you?" He joked with a small smile now. "I'll be back home soon. I promise" he rubbed my arm and kissed my forehead softly. His touch is always to gentle. "I love you"

"I love you too"

In Love With My Bestfriend: Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now