Chapter 25 - The Winter Dance

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"Sweetheart, Justin is here. He's downstairs waiting" I heard my moms voice as she entered my room. I looked over at her to see her standing there smiling widely. "You look beautiful"

"Thank you, Mom" I said back smiling. "I'm ready. I just have to finish putting on my jewelry" I told her. "Can you tell Justin I'll be down in two minutes? I just need to grab my things together" I asked my mom. Tonight is the dance.

"Yeah I will. Oh and it's raining by the way" she told me making me groan. She laughed at me and I pouted.

"Thank god for umbrellas" I joked. I grabbed my clutch bag and put my phone and my lipstick in there.

"Justin brought one" I smiled again. He's always prepared. My mom walked out and I went over to my bag and grabbed my ID in case I need it. I put it in my clutch bag and looked in my mirror. Okay, I'm ready. I'm pretty sure. I grabbed my perfume and sprayed it again even thought I did it just ten minutes ago. I turned my light off and walked out of my room. I heard Patties and my moms laugh. I find it amazing that they are best friends as well.

As I walked down the stairs, I knew the sound of my heels got their attention because they seemed to get quieter. I got near the bottom and saw Justin waiting there looking extremely handsome in his suit. He smiled once he saw me and I couldn't help, but do the same.

"Wow Jamie you are growing up!" I heard Pattie say. I smiled over at her and looked down at my feet. I get so nervous when all attention is on me.

"I remember when you guys were seven and you played dress up like you guys had a huge party to go to" my mom said shaking her head. "Now look at you guys" she added. I giggled. Can't imagine what she will be like at prom when we go.

"Be safe tonight" Jeff said to us as he sat on the chair he always sits in. I looked over at Justin who was always staring at me. I felt my face heat up.

"Hi" I said to him in a quiet tone.

"You look absolutely beautiful" He told me. "You ready?" He asked and I nodded. "Okay guys we're going to go now" Justin told them.

"Oh wait!" My mom said and hurried over to the coffee table by the couch. I saw her grab her phone. "Can I take a picture of you guys?" She asked us.

"Yeah of course" Justin answered her. I felt his arm go around my waist.

"Yeah" I answered with a giggle. I smiled and wrapped my arm around Justin as she held her phone up. I heard the click and she put her phone down.

"Let me know when you get there so I know you had a safe drive" Pattie said to Justin. I looked over at him and he nodded agreeing. He put his hand on my back.

"Alright, baby let's go" he said to me. He grabbed the umbrella and opened the front door. We stepped outside and he opened up the umbrella for us. I noticed Patties car in the street and a black town car in the drive way.

"Wait- who- that's not your car" I said to Justin confused. He chuckled.

"I got a car and driver for us" he told me. I looked at him with wide eyes.

"What?" I asked in shock and low tone. He laughed again and kissed my cheek softly.

"Come on" We walked to the car and the driver rushed out and opened the door for us. I got in first followed by Justin who shut the umbrella quickly. The door shut and the driver quickly hurried back into the driver seat. I feel bad he's opening the door for us in the rain.

"How did you get us a driver and car?" I asked Justin in shock still. I've never had this before. He smiled and put his arm around my waist and his other hand on my thigh.

In Love With My Bestfriend: Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now