Chapter 8- I'm Nothing But Trouble, But Trouble Means Fun

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Chapter 8- I'm Nothing But Trouble, But Trouble Means Fun


Together, we fixed my bike, it took a lot of effort but we did it. It was kind of wobbly, but I figured that I'd get to it later, after school. 'Cause I still had a couple of minutes left and I sure wasn't wasting them, especially when I had a few 'activities' in mind.

I turned to the helpful being and held out my hand, smiling, "Thanks for helping me, I'm Jess."

She shook my hand, smiling, "I'm Tara," Ah, so the girl with the nasal problems finally has a name. I'm so glad I found her, we're going to have so much fun.

I beamed at her, "We're going to be the best of friends, Tar! You just didn't help anyone, you helped me," I swung my arm over her shoulder and pulled her into a hug.

When I released her, she adjusted her back-pack over her shoulder and blinked, surprised, "Uh... so, I'm your friend? Just like that?"

What? Is there some kind of rule that you can't confirm someone as your friend unless you haven't known them for forty years or something...? Sheesh.

I nodded, "Just like that. And now that you're my friend, we're going to have a lot of fun." I smirked.

Slowly, a smile spread across her face and she nodded, "Okay, so what do you want to do?"

I actually expected her to be a bit afraid, maybe skeptical, but she seemed just so ready to accept me as a friend. I think I just found the right one this time.

I gave her a mischievous smile, "Let's go annoy some people, what do you say?"

She nodded excitedly, "I haven't done that before, it sounds fun!" But then she frowned nervously, "But what if people get really mad?"

I rolled my eyes at her, "Are you seriously going to let that bring you down?"

She thought about it for a moment, and then her grin returned again. She shook her head, "No way,"

"So what're we standing around for? Let's go!" I pumped my fist into the air.

She mimicked my gesture, "Yeah!"

"Wait a second," She frowned in confusion as I turned around and detached a skateboard from my brother's bike. Holding it up to her, I smirked as her eyes widened, "Now, we're good to go."

My brother used to be a huge fan of skateboarding, and he was pretty good at it too. No wonder he had a skateboard attached to the bike. I had already planned to use it, I just didn't mention it to my parents. God, they just might've exploded.

"Do you know how to use that?" She asked, incredulously.

I shrugged, looking at the board, "Not really,"

Her expression was horrified when I told her that, "Then what're you going to do with that?"

I gave her a flat look, "I'm going to wear it on my head,"

She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, "Really?"

I face-palmed, "No, I was being sarcastic. What do you suppose I'm going to do with the skateboard?"

She shrugged, "I don't know,"

I gaped at her, she might seem like the greatest friend ever even though I just met her a few minutes ago, but she was also the biggest idiot ever. Gosh, I sure know how to pick them.

I huffed, "You know what? Let's just go," I walked towards the school.

She opened her mouth to say something, but decided against it and followed me into the school.

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