Chapter 16- Learn The Basics Of Fun From Me

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Chapter 16- Learn The Basics Of Fun From Me

Biker-dude was also laughing along with us, snorting might I add. I guess he couldn't help it any longer, the situation was just too funny to brush off. Three people questioned Gal's manliness. Geez, I wouldn't be surprised if I saw him crying in a corner, the wimp.

Keith watched Gal and Francine leave the living room then he turned to look at me with a disappointed expression, crossing his arms over his chest.

I placed a hand over my mouth to muffle the giggles, but I couldn't control my laughter so I slapped my knee, still laughing.

I heard Keith sigh, "Jess, please stop laughing for a minute,"

I held up my index finger and nodded, taking deep breaths until I finally calmed down. Biker-dude and Tar were still snorting with laughter, they'd better shut up, or the neighbors might get ideas. I wouldn't blame them.

I saw how serious Keith was and sobered up, smirking, "Aw, Keith. Did someone spank you?"

He ignored my comment, "You're always ticking him off, Jess. Don't you think you owe him an apology? Even his arm's broken and you're giving him a hard time," 

I'm glad he doesn't know that I'm the cause of Gal's broken arm, or he just might've told me to serenade Gal with some romance movie song for his forgiveness. I mentally shuddered at the thought.

I could imagine it happening.

'There is no peanut without butter,

And no jelly without peanut-butter,

Just like there's no sun without the sky,

I'd like to tell you, that I'm sorry,

So don't be shy and let's not end this,

Weird friendship, for life...' I sang.

And that's when, Gal splattered a pie to my face.

I snapped out of my thoughts and rolled my eyes at him, "Let me refresh your memory, I wasn't the one to waltz in here and say," I mimicked him in a fat tone, "'You're a girl?' You were the one that came into the room to ask that, why don't you apologize?" I quirked an eyebrow at him.

He looked like I had caught him red-handed. But then he came up with a reply, "You're the one who implied it,"

"Ah, but you're the one who thought I implied it," I retorted.

He sighed, rubbing a thumb over his eyebrow then he looked at all of us, "How about we all just apologize? I believe we all are at fault here,"

I face-palmed, "Keith, Gal doesn't need us hoarding around him and trying to convince him that we feel bad with fake apologies." Because I wasn't really sorry at all, "Heck, he doesn't even need any apologies! He'll get over it!"

He shot me a warning look, "Don't argue with me, Jess. We're apologizing, right now,"

"You do know you're offending him just by doing that, right?"

He looked confused, "How?"

"Well... doesn't that imply that we all think he's just a weak little cry baby?"

He looked like he was considering my words, and Tara spoke up, "I think she actually has a point there. Kevin might think that, maybe we should let France handle it,"

"Ah see," I swung my arm around Tar for a quick hug before pulling away, "She gets it,"

He huffed, "Alright, fine then. Let me go and get the game," He turned around and left the living room.

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