Chapter 32- I Learn Something New Every Minute

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Chapter 32- I Learn Something New Every Minute

I couldn't speak, even if I knew that I should. But seriously, all of this happening at once made me feel like I was a part of a bad soap opera.

And what's more? The heart break got worse. I was fine with Tar being with Keith but I didn't particularly like Addie. The only reason of why I might not like her was because of our little fight on my second day of school.

But that was barely a reason at all.

I think Addie doesn't like me all that much either so it does make matters worse. Plus, when Keith dropped the bomb on us, I'm pretty sure I saw Addie smirk at me.

She is lemons. Just like every villain.

This made my heart thump for two seconds as I thought that maybe she knew my little secret. But then I realized that it was probably because she was trying to show off by making a fish face.

Her smirking face was that bad.

For a second there, I think I saw her panic a little before she made her fish face.

Why did she panic? I bet I looked intimidating. But that was like saying a bunny was fiercer than a lion. Me being the bunny in this case.

I had to talk with Tar about all of this and Addie too. Tar was definitely trying to tell me something else. I have to know what she was about to say, 'cause it obviously wasn't what I had assumed.

So if Keith hadn't asked Tara, whatever I thought he had asked her, then what happened?

The actual question was, should I get an umbrella first? Just to save myself from the flood of tears?

Eh, forget the umbrella, I wasn't wearing my favorite shirt anyways. Hopefully, Tar would cry and ruin it so I could buy a new one.

Man, I was such a bad friend.

I was just about to reach out towards Tar when I heard a voice call my name. I clenched my fist.


My mortal enemy.

I should totally join drama class, I would do great.

I mentally face palmed, the guy couldn't get a hint, could he? As if food poisoning wasn't enough for him to notice my nonexistent friendliness towards him.

What would it take for him to just back off? A nuclear powered bomb? A deadly laser beam from outer space? Brad's old dirty laundry?

I closed my eyes and turned around to face Greg with a grin as fake as plastic.

"Uh... Hey, Jess. I didn't know that you'd be coming, what're you doing here?" Greg asked with a polite smile.

I smiled back, and resisted the urge to roll my eyes at his stupid question, "Don't you know that I love standing pointlessly in front of this pizzeria?"

He frowned, "Do you really?"

I gave him a look of disbelief, "You can't be serious..."

Realization flashed across his face, "Oh! Sorry, right..." He cleared his throat and dropped his gaze to his shoes, "Uh, listen Jess, I wanted to say that--"

"Jess! Oh my gosh!" Tar gasped, running towards me and tackling me into a hug, "You're here! I thought you wouldn't come!"

This was my chance.

I hugged her back and looked at Greg, giving him a look so he'd get the hint and leave. He seemed reluctant for a moment before he sighed and nodded, heading over to biker-dude and Keith.

I pulled away from Tar's embrace and smirked, "Why wouldn't I be here?"

Her gaze dropped to her shoes and he fiddled with her fingers, "I thought that you still might be a bit upset with me..."

Seriously, I have airheads as friends.

I shook my head at her, "Tar, I'll never be mad at you, why do you keep thinking that I'm upset with you? Do I have to broadcast it to the whole world for you to understand?"

She laughed and shook her head, "Okay, okay. I'm good now,"

I rolled my eyes at her, smiling, "Good."

"Hey, guys?" We shifted our gaze to look at Francine, "Kevin's here so we're heading in." She jabbed her thumb towards the pizzeria, "You guys coming?"

I nodded, "Sure, we'll be there in a minute."

Francine nodded and headed inside with the others. Tar was about to follow them but I grabbed her arm.

She turned to look at me curiously, "What?"

"I wanted to ask you something," I whispered.

She looked confused, "Why are you whispering?"

I widened my eyes dramatically, "The walls," I gestured around me, "Have ears." I pointed to my ears.

Tar laughed and nodded, "Okay,"

I gave her a small smile and she frowned at that, she opened her mouth to ask me something but I interrupted.

"Tar, I wanted to ask you something..." I started.

She titled her head, "Ask what?"

"What were you going to say to me earlier at the bleachers?"

Realization dawned on her, "Oh, the thing that Keith asked me?"

I nodded, "Yeah, what were you going to say?"

She fiddled with her fingers nervously, "Um, I think it's best if you don't know... I mean, it shouldn't really matter. I just--"

I shook my head, "C'mon, Tar. What did he ask you?"

She stared at me for a moment, "Are you sure--"

I threw my arms up in frustration, "Yes, I'm sure!"

She dropped her gaze to the ground, "I don't know about this--"

I was running out of patience, "Oh, come on. Just spill the beans already!"

She squeezed her eyes tightly and rushed out, "He asked me to the game and told me not to invite you. So I agreed because he looked serious about it and... and... I'm sorry." He looked at me with her teary gaze.

Even though my heart was crushed into dust at the moment, I still managed a miracle smile as I patted Tar's shoulder and told her that it was fine.

She didn't know so it doesn't matter, but the point that did matter was the fact that Keith didn't wanted to invite me to his game.

Was it because I had done something to his father like biker-dude had mentioned?

I had a lot of questions and I wanted answers.

But the most important question was, what kind of pizza did I wanted?

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