Chapter 23- I Am The Champion Of... Death? Uh-Oh

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Chapter 23- I Am The Champion Of... Death? Uh-Oh

Half-way through the trash-fight, I had found a plastic bag, which I suggested we should use to keep our items in. We had paused for a second there, but after that was done, we had resumed.

Though, after Keith and I were done showering each other with trash, one which I successfully and slightly surprisingly won, we continued searching for banana peels. Hm, maybe my victory wasn't all that surprising at all, because Keith already called truce not too soon.

Today, I had learned that Keith wasn't big on arguing or fighting, was he seriously that wimpy? I tried to annoy him by throwing trash over my shoulder just to get a reaction out of him, but he wouldn't budge.

He was seriously so boring, I didn't even know why I was starting to like him. Hm, the stench must be getting to me. Killing my brain cells and all.

I sighed, I had already given up on denial, what was the use anyways? It wasn't like my feelings were going to go away just because I couldn't accept them. I liked Keith and that was that.

My heart fluttered in my chest. It was such a strange sentence, I mean, I liked Keith. I didn't really wanted to... 'cause seriously, the guy was a dork without glasses. But, I just thought that we could be good friends, I didn't really think it would turn into something else.

But, there was just something so... cool about him. He was usually paying me compliments, he got shy and jealous sometimes, he made my confidence falter... twice. I've never let a person get to me like that before.

Plus, he was just so quiet and boring most of the time that I really wanted to see his fun side. I really wanted to bring out his fun side, the thought of that makes me feel so giddy inside, for some reason. I couldn't help it.

I really couldn't help liking him, he was just so... weird.

I was wearing a wide smile on my face, it even made my cheeks ache but I couldn't help it. I had a crush... it was just so weird.

I might've had a bunch of crushes before but... someone like Keith? Never.

I heard Keith sigh, bringing me out of my thoughts, "I think we might be done here,"

I turned to look at him, mentally slapping the smile away from my face, I didn't want him getting suspicious, "Really?"

He ran a thumb over his eyebrow, "Yeah, why don't we count them?"

I shrugged, "Sure, anything to get away from this dump," I snickered at my pun.

He raised an eyebrow at me, "I thought you liked this,"

I wrinkled my nose in disgust, "You can't be serious, I liked having fun, not the barf-worthy smell,"

He nodded, "Okay, okay, I'll get us out of here. But, I'm going to get out first, okay?"

I gave him a flat look, "You're not going to ditch me, are you?" He chuckled and grabbed the edges of the dumpster, I gave him a wary look, "Keith..."

The bottles made clinking sounds as he shifted his weight, pulling himself out of the dumpster and throwing his legs over the edge so he was in a sitting position, he pushed himself off and landed on the ground. I raised an eyebrow as he turned to me with a smirk.

"You're so ditching me, aren't you?" I said, flatly.

His smirk widened, "I'm still thinking about it,"

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