Chapter 34- And I Thought I Was The Destructor

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Chapter 34- And I Thought I Was The Destructor

He was continuously glancing around the hallway as I walked up to him slowly, and cautiously, making sure my footsteps weren't too loud.

It was like one of those horror movies in which the girl is walking towards a door in a haunted house, stupidly going towards the place which everyone knows has a creepy person inside.

Except, in my case, it was biker-dude. But he wasn't creepy, oh no, he wasn't creepy at all. It was just his face that was the problem, glaring at me all day long, making me wonder if it was my fault for not being a good friend and doing him a favor by drawing a sharpie smile on his face.

At least there would be something akin to a smile on his face.

It was as if he had been reading my thoughts, his glare hardened, was that even possible? Who knew? After all, he was the master of that expression by now. I wonder if he has a gold medal for it.

Wait, why was I even thinking about his glare in the first place? That was a good question.

As I reached him and got a close up view on his face, I understood why.

Because it was a mystery that was yet to be solved.

And it might be the reason that I was trying to distract myself from the thoughts of him knowing about my crush on Keith and panicking.

I looked up at biker-dude warily, well... here goes nothing.

As I opened my mouth to speak, biker-dude immediately placed his hand over my mouth and glanced around the hallway, "Don't utter a word," He snapped, "We're going to meet up with the crew behind the bleachers in the football field, don't act suspicious or else we'll get caught." I furrowed my eyebrows.

I thought he wanted to talk about Keith, but it seems as if he was making me skip class along with the others. I can be pretty stealthy if I want to, but if I have to take biker-dude with me, he'd be the one to get caught.

Well, anything to avoid talking about Keith. That is a matter to be left aside.

Relief washed through me, and I could finally smirk, "I'll handle this like a pro." I brushed past him to get to the gym.

He instantly grabbed my elbow and stopped me, scowling, "No! You can't mess this up, you'll do what I tell you to do!"

I yanked my elbow out of his grasp and raised an eyebrow at him, placing a hand on my waist, "Have you ever even tried skipping class before?" I highly doubted that he had.

He looked like he wanted to put me into a meat grinder, "Yes, I have. And this is not how you do it, you're being way too obvious!"

I scoffed, "I'm being obvious? You're the one that has a megaphone shoved down your throat to spoil our plans."

His eyes widened for a moment as he realized that he was talking too loudly and he scowled again, lowering his voice and jabbing his index finger at me, "You listen to me, you. Are. Going. To Do. As I. Say. Am I clear?"

I rolled my eyes at him, "Dude, seriously. I can handle this on my own, besides, I bet your plan is to whistle and act all suspicious all the way to the gym."

He looked liked he was struggling for words as he finally said, "No, I had a better plan than that."

A grin spread across my face as I tried to suppress my laughter, "Oh my gosh, that was your plan, wasn't it?" I burst out laughing, clutching my stomach.

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