Chapter 36- When The Going Gets Tough

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Chapter 36- When The Going Gets Tough

I glared through the window at the witch that was almost glaring back at me, if she could see me that is. There were so many casualties going on in my head and they all included a certain someone. If only it was happening in real, this would've been a great day.

However, life has its own set of rules and I have mine. No one messes with me, no one messes with my friends. Even if its snake-haired witches like 'Medusa'.

Gal was almost out of the car if Tar didn't hold him back, Tar told him that he had a death wish and he still has 62 years to live.

Even though I'm furious, Gal's furious, Tar's worried, Biker-dude's completely tensed up and poor France is on the verge of tears, we can't really do anything and that makes things worse.

It's only because even though Tar's sister is the complete definition of the devil, she's still Tar's sister and we can't do anything to her 'cause according to Tar, even though 'Medusa' is the oldest, it will be all on Tar if she gets hurt.

So, we can't hurt her, because apparently, we all are good citizens except Gal, 'cause he's going crazy in the passenger's seat, looking like a psycho being held back.

I pity Tar's life right now, but my main focus has to be Francine.

As I was sitting here, thinking up of a plan, I watched as France said something to 'Medusa' quite snappily, for which I felt a sense of pride towards France.

Then everything went downhill.

I furrowed my eyebrows as Medusa's glare hardened as she took a threatening step towards France and pointed a finger at her menacingly.

Sam's and France's eyes widened as Medusa's lips moved when she said something I couldn't make out 'cause I honestly couldn't read lips, but I guessed it was pretty bad when France placed a hand on her mouth and ran towards our car before Medusa turned away to look at Sam who started yelling at her angrily.

Gal cursed out loud when he saw France crying and tore away from Tar's grip, swiftly getting out of the car and rushing towards France, hugging her close to him as she sobbed.

The rest of us got out of the car as well to comfort France and that's when it happened again.

My fault.

Gal gently turned France into Tar's arms who shushed her and patted her head in comfort. Then he turned his glare towards me, I raised my hands in surrender and my eyes widened, "Listen, Gal I--"

He finally cracked, "Shut the hell up, Jess!" I instantly shut up, "What the hell is your freaking problem?!"

France pulled away from Tar and grabbed Gal's arm, trying to pull him back, "Kevin, it's fine, it's not her fault. Accidents happen."

Gal ripped his arm away from her grasp and snapped, "Accidents happen?! We already told her how Brittany was! She knew it would happen!"

Tar shook her head, looking worried, "No Kevin, she didn't know, none of us knew and I promise she won't get away with this."

Gal's jaw clenched and his fists balled up as I nodded, swallowing, "I'll make sure of it."

Biker-dude nodded beside me, "We," he corrected, "We'll make sure of it."

He looked at Tar, Biker-dude and me, then he closed his eyes and took a deep breath before opening them and grasping France's hand, "Make sure of it." He snapped before turning to walk away, "We don't want any part of this anymore."

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