Chapter 29- My Life Is A Little Like Temple Run

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Chapter 29- My Life Is A Little Like Temple Run

I panted, feeling utterly exhausted. The sun felt hot against my fragile skin, it was melting me like a popsicle. In fact, I felt like a popsicle, since I was cool and the sun was not.

This was seriously painful.

I wiped the sweat off my forehead for the billionth time, but it was like the flood gates were open and I kept sweating like I had a shower in sweat.

My mouth felt dry, and I felt really thirsty. If I could, I would've performed a rain-dance just to cool down a bit, but I couldn't. Because I wasn't on my feet.

I gripped biker-dude's shoulders, "How far are we? I'm so tired!"

His grip tightened on my legs and he snapped, "You're not the one carrying extra weight, quit whining,"

I raised an eyebrow at the back of his head, "Look who's talking,"

He grumbled, "Just shut up,"

I groaned, shaking his shoulders, "I'm bored, biker-dude!"

"Well, I'm not the performing-monkey so shut up,"

I made a face at him, "That's all you've been telling me to do, can't you just be nice?"

"Can't you just shut up?"

I huffed and rolled my eyes at him, "Fine," I heard him sigh in relief, "But, just because you're carrying me,"

"I wouldn't be carrying you if you didn't jump on my back," He said, annoyed.

I didn't bother with a reply this time, because even talking was becoming exhausting and I was still thirsty.

A smile formed on my face as I remembered biker-dude's dumbfounded expression when I suggested that we could call someone, he scowled and told me how crazy I was to ride a cow instead of calling for help.

But, I made him shut up when I told him that he could've thought about that too. Then I made him carry me, forced him, to be precise.

Keith was going to pick us up, since he was the only one in the gang who could drive. I would've called my brother if I knew he wouldn't ride a lion all the way here just to rip biker-dude to shreds.

'Cause seriously, biker-dude took us way too far. I'm regretting the cows now, I should've just accepted the truck's poor condition and ripped leather.

But hey, then I wouldn't have had this much fun.

I squinted against the sun as I spotted a vehicle parked at the side of the road, a little distance away from us, my eyes lit up and I gasped.

I shook biker-dude violently, pointing at the vehicle, "Look, look biker-dude! It's a car, we're saved!"

I quickly hopped off of his back and dashed towards the car, the exhaustion and sweat completely forgotten. I just wanted to go home.

"Jess, wait!" Biker-dude cursed and followed.

We ran towards the vehicle and my grin widened as my eyes landed on the figure leaning against it, texting on his phone.

"Keith!" I waved wildly, feeling giddy.

His head snapped up to look at me and his eyes widened as he quickly shoved his phone into his pocket and raised his arms up to stop me.

"Wait, Jess--" He didn't get to complete his sentence as I tackled him to the ground, hugging the life out of him.

"Yay, you're here!" I chirped, smiling.

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