Chapter 33- Need Water? I've Got A Bucket Of Sweat And Tears

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Chapter 33- Need Water? I've Got A Bucket Of Sweat And Tears


I blew out a breath as I walked through the hallways towards my class. That was a close one, I think I almost got suspended! That was a bit exaggerated... oh well, everything was exaggerated!

The principal thought it was a good idea to ask me why I was in the closet in the first place, I told him again that it just came to me randomly and he gave me the odd look that I knew very well.

He exaggerated things a bit and told me how I could've snapped my neck or encountered a tarantula or something... I actually had no idea what he was talking about, I only heard the part where he said, 'I'm letting you off with a warning.'

Then I just skedaddled out of there, his office smelt something like paper, I felt like I was in paper-land or something. Or maybe his office was made of paper and if I took one step, I would bury myself deep in the dirt.

I sighed as I kept walking, even though I couldn't have my movie-moment and crawl through the air-vent like a pro, I was glad that biker-dude was gone. For the moment.

I narrowed my eyes suspiciously when I saw someone leaning against the lockers for support and breathing heavily, their T-shirt was soaked with sweat and their back was facing me, they were wearing a blue beanie so I couldn't really tell if it was a girl or a boy.

I raised an eyebrow at the figure, they looked liked they had just survived a stampede. Hm, should I go check up on this person?

I pondered on it for a moment then shrugged, I was late for class anyways might as well make the most of it. I could just say I was with the principal or I was helping someone close to their death.

Sounded like a great idea to me.

I walked up to the person and tapped their shoulder, they instantly turned around, "Hey, are you--"

I wrinkled my nose when I saw that it was Greg, panting and sweating. You've got to be kidding me, it couldn't be Marshall? The nose-picking kid?

Greg opened his mouth to talk but I brushed past him and resumed my walk. I wasn't going to help him, he could get trampled on by a elephant for all I care. I wasn't going to help him. Never, ever.

"Jess... wait!" He breathed out, his voice sounded strained but I paid no mind to it and ignored him.

Just keep walking, Jess. He would pass.

Then suddenly, my feet stopped moving and I turned around to see that Greg was holding my arm. I glared at his arm, wondering how much damage it would cause if I bit it off.

I averted my gaze from his arm, to his pleading face and calmly raised an eyebrow, "You might want to keep your arm, it's much useful than your brain."

He looked a bit confused but got the hint and released his grip. He panted for a moment and hung his head, as if trying to get a grip on himself then he looked back up at me.

He gave me a pleading look, "Jess, please. Just give me a chance."

I scoffed, "Oh really? Let me get my counter to check if this is the hundredth or the thousandth time."

He shook his head in irritation, yanked his beanie off, running a hand through his sweaty hair. Gosh, what was wrong with this kid? "Look, I know I messed up--"

"--Must've been a shocking revelation."

He ignored my comment and continued, "But if you could just forget about everything and--"

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