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Hey you, my name is Evelin Romero. I'm 18(for now). I'm dating Justin(Bieber). We've been dating for 6 months. Justin is such a loyal and sweet boyfriend I've ever had. I met Justin at the mall, we ran into each other. Right there is when we fell for each other. Well, we were first friends then he wanted to be more than friends.
Btw I don't live with my parents anymore because they didn't supported me and Justin's relationship, so I moved out. I moved out where Justin lives, but my own house.
I got a job out there in California, modeling.
Friends; Lucy & Julie

Notes from the Author;

Evelin is a super model. Justin is 20 in this story for now, he's the pop star that he is known today. They live in Miami, California.

This is the intro of the book! I'll be updating/posting chapters on this new book. Don't judge me on this because my 7th grade self wrote this. Idk if y'all read or saw this book on Instagram a long time ago. It was on my Instagram account @/lickingonjerry_
(Now it's @/adorebieber) But all I remember is that a lot of people liked it and we're pretty upset at the end lol 😂 so i decided to publish the book here on Wattpad, just for the people who wants to read it again💜

⭐️Btw sorry if there is any mistakes⭐️

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