chapter 15.

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Justin pov;

I got a phone call from scooter. He explained that Evelin got in a car crash. He expects me to go see her, he doesn't know she just dump me.
"Scooter, we aren't together" I spoke.
"What ! Wha- still go visit her" scooter yelled on the other line.
I sigh and agreed.
I love her but she probably doesn't want to see me anymore. I don't want her to get mad at me more than she is at the moment.
My crew got me a plane to drive back to California.
We cancelled the Madison Square Garden show. Which is a big show for my career but Evelin is more important.
I arrived at California. They quickly drove me to the hospital Evelin is staying at.
"She's in room 092" the lady told me, I nodded and thank her.
I bought her flowers and a new phone because I heard it broke during the car accident.

Evelin's pov;
I heard a knock on the door and a lady walked in with men behind her caring about millions of flowers. From what I see. It's too much to count.
"We got a delivery for you Evelin" the nurse smiled.
I furrowed my eyebrows.
"I think you got the wrong room" I spoke , they checked the paper again.
"Nope" the nurse smiled " he bought the whole flower store".
My eyes widen.
The flowers literally took up the whole room.
I tried to sit up but I couldn't. I scanned the whole room for a paper or a card showing who the flowers are from.
I spotted the card on the other side of the room.
Then I heard a knock on the door as the door swung open.
It's Justin.
I rolled my eyes.
"Hey" Justin smiled shyly.
I didn't say anything.
Am still mad at him. I can't even look at him or breathe in the same room with him.
I wonder why he actually came here. Like he doesn't love me. I wonder how he found out I got in a car accident.
"Evelin" Justin started, I crossed my arms and look out of the window.
He sat on the edge of my bed next to me.
"Listen to me please" he begged.
I still didn't give him a answer or look at him.
Am annoyed already.
"Evelin" Justin held my cheek and made me face him "I love you".
Those words taunt me.
I love you.
How if he slept with another girl, I thought.
Justin stared deep in my eyes. I give him no expression. I'm still fucking piss.
"Are you done?" I asked.
"No. No. Evelin you need to listen to me please" Justin spoked.
I sigh and nodded.
"Look you have every right to hate on me, For my actions. I'm sorry about that. I still love you. Even tho it hasn't past like 24 hours of our breakup but I miss you already" he softly chucked "but- I.. I shouldn't have drank that much that got me to sleep with another girl who isn't you. To be Fucking honest she's a bitch. I don't know how I ended up in the same bed as her. Shes- I'm just sorry.".
I looked into his hazel brown eyes then down at my hands.
Tears started to build up.

Justin's pov;

I noticed a tear fell down across her face, that broke me. I feel so bad.
I couldn't hug her because she's weak, according to the doctor.
I whip the tear with my thumb.
"Why did you drink" Evelin asked.
I looked at her trying to search for an answer.
"I have no idea" I spoke.
Evelin pulled herself up, trying to sit. She was shaking.
"Evelin don't" I made her lay back down.
"I want to sit" she said.
I shook my head "no you can't, you'll be in much more pain".
"I don't care" Evelin said as she tried to sit up again.
"Stop you're going to hurt yourself" I said as I lay her back down. She sigh,
I heard her mumble "I hate my life".
"Don't say that" I told her. Evelin stayed quiet.

Evelin's pov;

Justin stayed for like 3 hours. We basically talked. It was great since I have no one to talk to.
The doctor told me and Justin the news. I am going to have physical therapy because of my bones and I can't barely walk anymore. Justin promised me he's going to stay in town and be there for me. I appreciate it.
Which is making me fall in love with him again.
"I have to go meet my crew" Justin kissed my forehead "I love you".
He left the room.
I looked at the card again, wanting to know who send me all of these flowers.
My nurse came by to check on me.
"Hey can you do me a favor and give me that card that is on those flowers" I asked, she nodded.
She grabbed the card and hand it to me with a smile. I thanked her and she left.
I opened the car and read it;
I love you,
Justin Bieber

My jaw drop. He bought the whole flower store for me.

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