chapter 12.

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months later...

Justin's pov;
"Just leave me alone" I yelled at Selena.
Selena kept following me to the cafe. I ordered my drink and sat down.
Paparazzi are waiting outside, of course taking pictures of me and Selena.
I know how Selena is. I've dated her many times and figure out her deepest and darkest secrets.
I know she dated me for publicity. That's how thirsty she is.
I have no idea why I had a crush on her or dated her more than 4 times.
We were that well known on and off couple.
But this time it's the end of jelena for good.
I am tired of her games... using me.

Selena sat across of me.
"Please Justin. I miss us" Selena pleased. I rolled my eyes.
"There was never us in this or that relationship. You never loved me. You just loved the publicity that the relationship give up. Grow the fuck up!" I raised my voice at her.
She give me a dirty look.
"Besides I actually have feelings for a girl who doesn't use me" I shrug.
She squint her eyes at me, giving me the dumbest look.
"How is Evelin better than me? She's. a. Fucking. Slut." Selena said.
My face started to boil up with anger.
I tried to control my anger.
"Excuse me?" I spoke, Selena turned to me, crossing her arms "if I were you I wouldn't be talking because you don't know her".
She groan and rolled her eyes, she left.
I started cussing in my mind.
"Here's your drink, have a nice day" the lady said and hand me my drink. I thanked her and left.

I pulled up on Evelin's driveway. She got no idea that I came to visit her.
She isn't that depress like she was months ago.
Cameron moved on with another girl.
I find that awful.
But Evelin really doesn't care about him ever since.
All she cares about is my health and how I am doing.
I find it cute of how much she cares for me.
I just want to win her heart and I'll be the happiest man in the whole universe.
I have a spare key to Evelin's house. It okay, she hand it to me. We're so close now like we were before.
But I want be closer.
I called out her name and heard her voice coming from upstairs. I followed her voice and found her in her closet.
"What are you doing" I asked with a smile.
Evelin bent down grabbing a pair of heels.
She was wearing short shorts that I can see her ass hanging.
I tried not to look and smirk.

Evelin's pov;

"I'm just picking out my outfit for the billboard awards" I said. I turned around and noticed Justin smirking.
"What?" I smiled.
"Oh nothing" he said.
I mhm as I put my heels on the pile of clothes I might wear to the award show.
"Are you going to the billboard awards" I asked Justin as we walked back to my room.
He sat on the edge of my bed.
"Yeah scooter told me I have to be there to perform and accept a couple of awards" Justin spoke "but do you have a date ?".
I simply answered no.
"Do you want to be my date" Justin smiled as he looked deep down in my eyes.
"Why not. We'll look sexy" I smiled. He chuckle a little.
Even though we may not be official we literally look like a couple.
People think we are dating.
Others say I'm pregnant with his child. Which is too far for this situation.
Justin pulled my hips towards to himself.
"Evelin I want you" Justin spoke in a low sexy tone.
I smirked as I bite my lip.
"Please be mine- Only mine" Justin said as he held my chin.
"Will you?" Justin asked.
I press my lips against his to answer his question.
He smiled so hard throughout the kiss.

[excuse my grammar or spelling💀]

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