chapter 4.

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Evelin's pov;

I heard a loud knock on my bedroom door.
"Evelin, do you wanna talk?" I heard Lucy's voice.
"What's wrong?" I heard another voice, Julie.
I got up and walked over to the door. I slowly unlock the door and they went rushing inside.
"What happened!?" Julie asked in a concern voice.
I sat back down on my bed. I grab my pillow and hug it. Julie and Lucy sat on the side of my bed.
"I found out Justin cheated on me..." I spoke, they looked at each other.
"With who?" Lucy asked.
I swallow hard.
"Chantel....Jeffries" I said slowly.
Every time I hear the name I wanted to stab myself.
Julie and Lucy looked at me in shocked.
"Wait Chantel Jeffries? The model?" Julie asked me with big ass eyes.
I nodded.
"If I were you I wouldn't mess with her" Lucy said, I looked at her confused.
"She went to jail because she stabbed a girl. She has a criminal record" Lucy confessed, Julie agreed with Lucy.
How do they know this? They met her?

Justin's POV;

I felt so bad and worried about Evelin. That even my head and stomach started to hurt really bad. I had to call one of her friends that I know and met.
I looked through my contacts list.

Cameron D.

I stopped and notice Julie! I have her number!? I didn't even notice.
I don't want to call Julie because she is with Evelin right now and she'll be piss at me.
Do I decided to call Matt, Nash or Cameron. Since they're both Evelin's friends and known each other for a while.
I first called Matt, since I'm much closer to him than Cameron and Nash.
I press on his name and press the call button.
On the second ring Matthew finally answered
"Hello?" I heard from the other line.
"Hey Matt" I spoke
"Hey bro, what's up?" Matthew said
"Um I need to ask you something..." I said, then I paused "have you heard from Evelin?" .
It was quiet for a second.
"Um- no...I don't think so" Matt sigh "why?".
"Because to accidentally cheated on her- I slept with another girl. She found out and she just hang up on me" I confessed.
" oh lord" Matthew said in a worried voice.
"I'll talk to her. I'll take the boys with me to talk to her and I'll tell you what happened. Okay?" Matthew asked
Matthew and the guys can't just do it all for me. I have to talk to her. Or she would think I don't care or shit.
But for now I want people to comfort for her. Then when I talk to her she won't cry at me or do anything horrible.
"Yeah, I think that'll sound fine. I'll talk to her later when you're done talking to her" I finally said.
"Alright. Bye man" Matt said
"Bye" I ended the call and place my phone down.
Today have been a rough day.

Evelin's POV;

Julie and Lucy left a hour ago and am alone at home. Still hoping someone can save me before I get in my depression mode.
Then all of the sudden I heard the door be ring. I got up from the couch.
I wonder who this is...
I walked over to the door and opened it. I see a group of guys.
I looked at everyones face and look for Justin. But no sigh of Justin.
It's just Matthew, Cameron, Nash, Shawn, Sammy, and Aaron.
"Um hey guys" I said as I put a strand of hair behind my ear.
We all gather in the living room. It looks like a party and I'm the only girl. It might be awkward for other girls but for me it seems...normal. Since I mostly talk to boys and I've been friends with them. Almost my whole life.
Even at school, I was only friends with boys. I looked like the only girl in the group of boys.
Most of the girls hate me for hanging out with they're 'crushes'.
People even used to call me a 'hoe' and thought I had sex with them 24/7 every time I hang out with them inside or outside of school. But really we just chill and talk. They mostly talk to me about problems they have with girls or ask me for girl advice.
To be honest here I think boys are much better to be friends with than girls. They are less dramatic.
    "Why are you guys here?" I asked them as I took a seat next to Cameron.
"We heard that Justin accidentally cheated" Matthew confessed.
"What? I thought we were here because they have food-" Sammy said, then Matthew smacked him on the chest before Sammy could finish.
Matthew give Sammy 'the look'. Sammy nodded and looked at me.
"So how are you doing?" Cameron turn his head to me. Everyone had their eyes on me.
"I'm doing fine" I sigh.
Since I said the word 'fine' they knew I'm not okay. I shouldn't have said that word.
"You're not fine..." Nash said. Everyone agreed with Nash and nod their heads.
I really don't want to go in a lot of detail because I don't want them to worry on me....
"Wait did Justin send you guys here?" I asked quickly.
"No the fuck" Aaron said "I was invited by Matt".
I looked at Matthew.
"Did you talk to Justin?" I asked him as I turn my body to him.
He looked at me nervous.
"Yeah.." Matt said in a low voice.
"So he didn't come here himself. He's probably still hanging out with that girl? Right? And you guys are trying to cover for Justin and Chantel. Mhm" I said.
"Personally I don't like Chantel. She used me for fame and sex" Nash said.
My eyes widen.
"So you two fuck?" I asked Nash.
He chuckle a little by the way I said.
"We used to- but not anymore until I found out she used me" Nash confessed.
Well damn. Chantel probably got prego a million times.

Sorry this is pretty long chapter..I guess. Don't forget to vote babies💗

[sorry if there is any mistakes]

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