Chapter 29.

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[ Narrator ]
     6 months have pasted. Evelin bought a new home in Malibu. Evelin is on break from her career to focus on herself and on Julie, to be the best mom for her.
Justin continue writing songs about his and Evelin's relationship and the breakup. He has been called 'bad boy' by his behavior. His manager and his team tried to help Justin to send him off to Rehab. Justin has emotional issues. Mainly over the breakup since he lost everything . Justin also has been arrested multiple times. He spends his time with his friends with drugs and sex with ladies that he meets in the clubs. All of the songs he wrote about Evelin was turned into a album.
Since Evelin is out of the public eye and safe from anyone. She hasn't seen Justin nor Justin has seen Evelin. Even though Justin tries to find out where she is staying at, but he failed. Their relationship has been brought to court. The judge agrees Justin needs time off from his child to first fix his emotions and his health. Nobody knows how long this will last. Until Justin controls himself.

[ Evelin's pov ]
4 years later.
      I've moved on and decided to go back to my career. I started dating Harry Styles, we're engaged.
Julie is 5 years old. I've had another child with Harry, his name is Charlie. He's 10 months.
Me and Harry decided to take out the kids to the park.
Yes I've heard Justin's album, Journals. It's basically about me. Justin has been really happy and healthy.
He basically give up finding me. 
Me and Harry sat on a bench watching Julie playing in the play ground.
"Harry, I'm go buy Julie a ice cream. Do you want one?" I asked, he simply answered no.
"I'll watch the kids" he smiled, I nodded.
I begin walking over to the ice cream cart.
Until I bumped into a man.
"I'm sorry.." I looked up and notice it's Justin.
"Evelin?" Justin asked.
I nod my head.
"Oh my god " Justin smiled his tears begin to build up.
"I miss you.. Us" Justin said.
I swallowed.
"What are you doing here by yourself?" I asked.
Justin can't be by himself without his body guards and he's being held at his house by his issues.
"I broke out" Justin spoke
"Oh" I said "I have to go-"
"What about us Evelin " Justin interrupted  me.
"Justin" I begin "I'm engaged , with Harry. I have a baby with him and Julie is with us" I confessed.
Justin's smile turned upside down.
"Why?" Justin begin to tear up.
"I'm sorry" I said " but do you want to talk to Julie? She's 5 now".
He nodded.
I told Harry everything and he's fine with it.
Harry carried Charlie as he stare at me and Justin.
Harry isn't a big fan of Justin, of what Justin has done to me. Also of what Justin has been saying about me in interviews. It's nothing bad , Justin talks about how much he misses me and loves me and that Justin still writes music about me. Since I'm Justin's first ever real love.
I called Julie to come over.
"Yes mommy?" Julie looked up at me with her brown hazel eyes. Her eyes are exactly like Justin's , I can never forget about Justin because Julie and Justin looks so much alike. She also has the personality.
"This is Justin Bieber, your birth father" I introduced Julie to Justin.
Julie barely remembers anything from Justin.
She only knows that Justin was there when she was a baby and took good care of her.
Julie always begged me that she meets her dad.
This is her day.
Justin bent down to Julie's height.
They hugged each other and cried in each other's shoulder.
"Julie I miss you" Justin place a strand of Julie's hair behind her ear.
They had a little conversation.
Then I hear the police sirens. The police parked their cars in front of the park.
Oh no they're looking for Justin.
I don't want Julie to have this experience of meeting her father for the first time.
"Justin they're here" I told him.
He sigh.
"Dad has to go, always remember me. I'll get to see you soon. I love you" Justin kissed Julie's cheek.
I told Julie to go with Harry since I don't want her to see the police going to take Justin from her.
Justin stand back up "I guess they're here to take me back to Rehab".
The police spotted Justin with me.
They know he shouldn't be near me or talking to me.
"Please Evelin I beg you to come back into my life" Justin begged.
"Justin, you know why. I'm sorry" I said.
" I promise I'll change for you!" Justin stated " once I get out I  want you back into my life Evelin! You're the love of my life! Please Evelin please! I love you ! I miss you! You make me happy!".
"Look I always have this in my pocket with me" Justin pulls out a diamond ring " I always wanted to give you this".
Justin begin crying.
He grabs my hand and begs.
"Justin let her go!" The police men yelled.
"Justin I'm sorry. Please stay strong for me" I said. The police grab Justin and handcuff him
Justin begin screaming "no! No! Evelin no!"
The police begin to carry him into their car.
I mouthed please to Justin. 

[ Justin's pov ]

     The police men forced me to sit in their car.
We begin to drove off back to Rehab, where I escaped.
I thought over what happened today.
I'm stay strong for Evelin.

Thats the end of Heartbreaker.
Sorry for this ending lmao.
btw I will be writing more books like Justin Bieber fanfiction etc. but idk when to publish it .

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