Chapter 28.

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[Justin's pov]

Evelin drove off. She was crying. She was broken. I'm such a heartbreaker.
Im so mad at myself.
I screw everything, I yelled at myself.
I walked back inside, I made my way up stairs to the bedroom.
I begin picking up my clothes.
"Are you really leaving me? We're not finished!" Chantel said.
I ignored her as I put back on my clothes.
She put on her robe.
"Evelin is such a slut, you can do better" Chantel said out of nowhere.
I looked at her with a dirty look, she shrugged "it's true babe".
"You know what shut the hell up, you're no help!" I yelled at her.
"The fact that I'm about to lose my fucking be loving girlfriend over your flat ass! Is stupid as fuck" I yelled.
She giggled a little.
"It's your fault honey" Chantel smiled.
I begin walking down stairs to the door.
Chantel followed me. I begin walking over to my car.
"Oh Justin" Chantel spoke from the door step, I looked over at her "my ass isn't flat... And you know that".
I rolled my eyes and begin the engine.
I begin to drive back home.
Hoping Evelin will give me another chance. Even though I've fucked so many times.
I pray to god she'll forgive me.

[ Evelin's pov ]

Once I arrived back to my house. I mean Justin's house. I rushed inside and begin to walk into the bedroom.
Lucy and Julie noticed me crying.
They followed me as Lucy carried baby Julie.
"What's going on" Julie asked.
I begin packing my clothing, shoes, everything that is mine and baby Julie's.
"Justin is with Chantel and I have to get out fast before Justin comes" I quickly said as I wipe away my tears.
Knowing Justin, he's coming to forgive him.
I swear, this is the last.
Lucy placed baby Julie in the baby carrier.
They both begin to help me.
"I'm sorry about Justin" Julie begin.
"It isn't your fault or anyone's, it's my fault for letting him back in my life" I spoke as a tear ran across my face.
They both hugged me.
They help me put the luggage in my car.
I put Julie inside my car.
"Call us if you need us" Lucy said, I nodded and hugged them.
They left.
I took out the key of Justin's house from my key chain.
I placed it on the table next to the door.
I quickly walked inside my car.
I begin the engine.
I looked out of my window and see Justin running towards my car.
I quickly press on my gas pedal.
"Evelin! Wait!" Justin yelled out.
I quickly got out of the drive way and drove off to a hotel far away from here.

[ Justin's pov ]

Evelin left. With my child , everything .
I begin is tear up.
I walked over to the door and saw the key I give to Evelin .
I grab it and close my hands with the key inside my hand. I opened the door and walked into the Julie's bedroom.
Julie's clothes, shoes, toys, everything is gone.
"No!" I yelled out.
Then I walked over to the bed room and opened Evelin's closet.
Everything is gone of hers.
I begin to break down.
"You fucking idiot " I punched myself.

Hours have pasted. Nothing came across from Evelin .
I'm sitting in the living room with a bottle of beer.
My eyes are swollen.
I just stared at the tv.
Evelin didn't pick up any of my calls or even my friends calls or my mangers.
Scooter tried to contact with Evelin's manger, Kate.
Scooter asked where Evelin is.
Kate can't tell anyone at the moment.
I screw up.
I screw up.
All I can think of.
I lost the love of my life.
I even lost my first child.
I wish I can go back in time and fix everything.
But we all know that isn't possible.
I grab my songs notebook.
I begin to write down lyrics of how I'm feeling.
I wrote 5 songs that night:
Bad day
All that matters
All bad
Change me
and Heartbreaker

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