chapter 16.

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Justin's pov;

"Cmon you can do it!" I cheered. Am trying to get Evelin off her bed so she can practice to walk again. I promised her I'll be here for her.
Ever since I came to the hospital for Evelin I haven't done anything with my career. We cancelled many important shows. Even the Madison Square Garden show that sold out in seconds.
I haven't seen anyone or drink since.
My heart and eyes are all for Evelin.
3 months have pasted and she's still in the hospital recovering.
"No am gonna fall" Evelin complained.
"Don't say that" I spoke "never say never" I smirked.
She let out a small giggle.
She's so cute.
Evelin grab on my arm and got on her feet. I held on her waist so she won't fall.
"You got it" I asked her, she nodded.
Evelin let go of me as I did the same to her.
She stand still.
"Walk"I spoke.
She shook her head, I can tell she's scared.
"Evelin you need to try.. don't you want to get out of here?" I asked her, she's nodded her head.
"I want to go buy a puppy" she smiled.
"Well then you need to learn how to walk to get a puppy. How are you going to walk your puppy?" I asked her.
"I'll pay you" she smiled.
I playfully roll my eyes " no you need to do that, it's your puppy".
She finally agreed and took a step.
Then another step.

Evelin's pov;
I finally start getting the hang of walking but then I trip by a bar and fell right down on my face.
"EVELIN" Justin screamed as he bent over to pick me up "are you okay?".
I didn't say anything.
I sat up. Justin looked at me and gasp.
"Am call the nurse" Justin said as he got up and walked out.
I place my hand on my face and looked at it, blood.
Fuck, I thought.
I grab on the bed railing and stand up.
As I walk a little I was shaking.
I walked over to the mirror and noticed parts of my face bleeding.
I look like bloody marry, I thought.
The nurses came running in. Justin was behind them.
"Evelin you need to lay on your bed" a nurse told me.
" am fine" I said, they shook their heads.
"Evelin you have blood all over" Justin told me, I sigh.
I walked over to my bed and laid down.
"You can walk" my nurse said, I nodded with a small smile.
"We were practicing" Justin said.
The nurse nodded "nice job Bieber".
Justin smiled.
2 more nurses came in the room with a cart of things to stop my bleeding.

I slowly open my eyes and looked around. I guess I was sleeping.
I turn my head to focus on a figure next to me.
It's Justin. He was sitting on the edge of my bed.
"Hey princess" Justin smiled.
"How long have I been asleep" I asked him. He checked his phone for the time.
"About 4 hours and 19 minutes" Justin told me.
My eyes widen.
"That long? You shouldn't have stayed. You could have been doing stuff- you know. Don't worry about me" I said.
"Evelin, it's okay. I rather be here next to you" Justin chuckled.
"Can I see your phone" I asked Justin, he nodded and hand it over to me.
I press on the home button to turn it on and swipe to the right for the camera. I looked at myself.
Some small bandages around my face. I guess they are small cuts and bruises.
I hand it back.
"Um Justin it 11 pm I think you should go back to your hotel and sleep. It's pretty late" I spoke.
He shook his head.
"I'm going to stay" Justin said.
I nodded and scooted over to give Justin room.
He lay next to me and hug me by the side as I hug his arm.
We fell asleep like babies..together.

excuse my grammar and spelling 💀😹

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