chapter 20.

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Justin's pov;

We just finished the last concert of the tour. I am relieved. I questioned everyone where Evelin is at. She told me she'll be here.
I met Scooter at the hotel room and had the nerve to ask "what happened to Evelin".
He sigh and took a deep breath.
"While you were drunk at the club today she saw a picture of you and a stripper kissing. Justin I am sorry- you need to pay attention. When she saw it she left right away" Scooter confessed.
I started to break down into tears.
I'm so fucking stupid, I thought.
God I hate myself.
I lost Evelin again.
"She wanted me to tell you something..." Scooter spoke, I looked up at him "she's pregnant... with your child Justin. One month".
My eyes widen.
Oh my god.
"You're joking" I said, he said no.
"Congratulations Justin" he smiled and left.
I can't believe she's carrying my child but i just cheated on her.
I bet she doesn't want me anything to do with the child anymore.
Why didn't she tell me earlier?
I decided to drive to her house.
I knocked on the door and waited for an answer no one answered.
Then I remembered I got a key to her house. I pull it out from my wallet and unlock the door.
I walked around looking for Evelin.
She's not here.
Until I heard someone crying on the back porch.
I walked over there and found Evelin crying on a small sofa.
"Evelin" I spoke, she looked up at me and made a angry face.
"I-I'm so sorry ... I swear" I stumbled on my words.
I feel so bad.
I never want to hurt her.
Or even see her cry. It breaks my heart.
She looked away.
I stand in front of her.
She turn to the left and tried not to cry .
"Evelin please" I beg

Evelin's pov;
"Please what" I yelled.
"Please forgive me and give me another change , I beg you" Justin said.
I shook my head.
"The fact that you'll hang out with Chantel again makes me mad- furious" I said.
He started to beg again and again.
I got up and walked inside trying to get away from Justin.
Justin followed me.
God he's annoying, I thought.
I sat on the edge of my bed and looked down at my hands then my belly.
I slowly rub my belly knowing my baby is in there.
"Why did you just told me this" Justin said out of nowhere.
I looked at him. He's standing right next to me. I didn't notice he was there the whole time.
"I wanted to make sure" I spoke.
"Are you keeping the baby?" Justin asked, my jaw dropped.
"Yes of course what the fuck? Do you want me to kill it?" I yelled.
"I didn't say that" Justin said.
I groan.
"Evelin I am sorry" Justin said in a soft voice "I want to be there for the child and stay by your side".
I looked at him then at the wall in front of me.
" I am deeply sorry ... you have no idea" Justin bend down in front of me and place his hands on top of mine.
"Please forgive me and I love you so much" Justin looked into my eyes and smiled a little.
His smile is so beautiful.
I looked at his brown hazel eyes and peaked his lips.

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