chapter 5.

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    Today I wanted to do something to forget about the drama with Justin.
Julie and Lucy went back to New York, where they live.
    Maybe I'll just hang out with the boys. I texted Cameron first;
Evelin: hey are you doing anything today?
Cameron: nope. Why?
Evelin: I just wanted to know if you are free...I wanted to do something to forget about the drama and the cheating..:/
Cameron: I understand. Um yeah we can do something. Is it just me and you? And what do you wanna do? I'll do anything to make you happy (:
Evelin: well idk yet what to do. And you can bring someone, idc. As long as I forget about the drama..
Cameron: I'm gonna invite Nash and Matt. And we'll plan on a surprise 😌 does that sound good?
Evelin: yeah, not a problem (:
Cameron: k. I'll come by in 30 mins
Evelin: okay that sounds great. Bye💖
Cameron: bye babe❤️

    Did Cameron just call me 'babe'? I don't have a problem with it but it sounds odd.
I made my way upstairs to my bedroom and took a quick shower. Once I finished I changed into light blue high waist jeans, a white crop top, white converse, and a gray little jacket.
I let my wavy brown hair down. I put on just mascara.

Cameron's pov;

     I'm so excited for hanging out with Evelin. This might sound bad but I kinda love her... But I can't go and date Evelin. Justin will get angry at me. But we barely talk. I'm pretty angry at Justin for cheating on Evelin and breaking her heart.
Maybe I should get back at me? Maybe this is my change to ask Evelin out? It's too early to ask Evelin out. She just got out of a horrible breakup.
I told Nash and Matt about the news. They both agree and decided to join the fun.
I got dressed quickly. Just jeans, a plain white shirt, and vans. I did my hair quickly and headed out to the garage.
I got inside of my car and drove off to Matthew's house first then Nash to pick them up.
Then I went driving off to Evelin's house.
    I pulled up on the drive way. I told Matt and Nash to stay so I can get Evelin. They nodded and got on their phones while they wait for me.
I run up to the front door and ring the doorbell. I waited for a few seconds then the door swing open. It's Evelin.
She smiled at me. I checked her out.
Damn she looks good.
I bit my bottom lip as a stare at her.
Evelin noticed me, she started blushing and giggle a little.
I push my thoughts away.
"Sorry" I chuckle a little as I scratch behind of my neck. I felt embarrassed.
"Nah you're fine" Evelin said.
"So are you ready?" I asked her, she nodded.
She stepped outside of her house and lock the door. I followed  her from behind. I kept staring at her booty. I shook my head.
Why am I doing this?
We both got in the car. I looked at Matt and Nash try both had a smirk on their face.
They probably noticed me staring at Evelin.

Evelin's pov;

  I've noticed Cameron staring at me and it looks like he finds me attractive.
Tbh he is cute and funny. He has a great personality. He's a great person. He always makes me smile & laugh. I like that in guys.
     We were in the highway. We were all listening to the radio. The song 'I Knew You Were Trouble' by Taylor Swift just finished. She wrote that song to Harry Styles, obviously.
    Then I heard 'Justin Bieber'
Interviewer: welcome back Justin Bieber! How are you feeling?
Justin: Great...I guess
Interviewer: good. I heard you just released your first single for this new album. It's called 'Heart Breaker'. I've heard the song, I have to admit it's pretty good. But who was the lady you were writing it to?
There was a pause, I heard Justin sigh.
Justin: well.. I can't say names. But it's a special girl, that I've dated.... I still lo-
Before Justin could finish Cameron changed the radio.
"I'm let's hear some thing else" Cameron said as he changed it to another radio station.
The song 'Beauty and A Beat' started playing on the radio.
   I love that song but it reminds me too much of Justin. I remember when we were friends (he was dating Selena), he invited me to come to the studio and listen to his new song. 'Beauty And A Beat'. He played the song. We dance together and laugh. Then he fell. As he fell he grab my hand, which caused me to fall on top of him. I was like a inch close to his face. Then we heard a knock on the door, I quickly got up.
    "Are you okay, Evelin?" Matthew asked me, interrupted my flashback.
"Um yeah" I faked smile, he nodded. He give Cameron a look. Cameron nodded and change the radio station again.
This time the song is 'Neon Light'.

Cameron's pov;

    I parked the car. I looked over and see Evelin and Matt asleep.
Evelin looked cute.
We are here where I wanted to take them to StarBucks. I know that Evelin loves StarBucks. Maybe we could have a talk with her to cheer her up.
   Nash softly pat on Matt and Evelin. They both woke up. "Mm" Evelin mumble. She closed her eyes again.
"Evelin we're here. So wake up cutie" I spoke. Matthew's eyes were big and Nash.
"Oooo" they both smirk.
"Did you just called me Cutie?" Evelin mumble.
"Um...yeah. Is that fine?" I asked her. I didn't know why I asked her and called her 'cutie'. I mean she's cute.
"Yeah. I'll rather be called Babe" Evelin lightly smiled.
I smiled back.
"OKAY! We are here" Nash said very loud.
I looked outside and all ready see paparazzi and fans.
"We all need to stay together" I said as I turn back around. Everyone nodded.
Evelin put on her sunglasses.
We all got out of the car and walk all together. Fans and paparazzi gather around us.
It was so crowded. Evelin tug on my shirt. I looked back and see her mobbed by fans and paparazzi.

Evelin's pov;

     I got lost in the huge crowd. I lost the boys. The people kept yelling at me.
"Where is Justin?" One paparazzis yelled
The paparazzis kept yelling at me with random questions like:
"You're a hoe"
"Justin just released a song about you. What is your opinion about it?"
"Is it true Justin cheated on you"
"Do you and Cameron have a thing?"
"Why are you with them?"
And other questions.
  There were flashes around me. Thank god I wore my sunglasses.
I felt people grabbing on me.
Then I felt Some one grab my hand. I look up and see Cameron.
He pull me close to him then in front of him. He held on my hips leading me to the door.
Nash quickly open the door for us. We got inside quickly.
"Are you okay?" Cameron asked as he look down at me. He had a worried expression in his eyes and face.
"Yeah...I think so" I answered.
"Did they ask you anything about Justin?" He asked me, I nodded.
"I just ignore them and they asked stupid questions. But I'm all fine" I confessed.
He nodded. I look around where we are at.
We are at StarBucks!
My favorite place in the whole wide world!
"Omg thank you for bringing me here" I hugged Cameron, he hugged back with a smile.
"No problem baby girl" he whisper in my ear.
I froze.
'Baby girl'?
I shook it off and forget about what he called me.
"Let's order love birds" Matthew chucked.
'Love birds'? The fuck?
We all got in line together. We waited for our turn.
"Hello, how may I help you?" The lady asked.
"We would love 3 Chocolate frappé" Cameron said, the lady nodded and type it.
Then Cameron looked at me.
"What do you want?" Cam asked me.
I look around the menu for a second.
"I would love a Iced caramel macchiato, please" I said, she nodded.
"That'll be $14.32" the lady said, I pull out my purse to look for my money.
"I'll pay it, no worries" Cameron said.
Before I could tell him I refuse, he payed it already.
"Your order will be ready in a few minutes" the lady said, we nodded.
We all found a booth for all of us. I sat near the window as Cameron sat down next to me. Matt and Nash sat together across.
"How are you doing?" Matthew asked me, I shrug.
"Alright I guess. He haven't talked to me" I spoke.
Then the lady came to our table and hand us our drinks. We all took a sip from our drinks.
We all chatted and laugh for about 2 hours. It's nice having friends like them that actually care about you.

Sorry this chapter is kinda long lol. I kinda ship Evelin and Cameron 🌚
Have a nice day babies♡

[sorry if there is any mistakes💘]

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