chapter 21.

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[3 months have pasted]

Love is an intense feeling of deep affection, i wrote down in my journal.
"Hey Evelin" I heard Justin's voice behind me. I turn around and see Justin by the doorway.
"Hi" I smiled and close my journal.
"What you doing" Justin asked as he walked up to me.
"Um.. just writing" I said as I stand up.
Justin looked down at my belly.
He place his hands on my belly.
"The baby is getting huge" Justin smiled, I nodded.
"I am bless that you're carrying my first child" Justin press his lips on mine.
"What do you mean" I asked.
"well like I don't want just a random stripper or you know to carry my child. I was afraid of that- or any other person. I wouldn't want any of my exs either" Justin confessed, I nodded.
"I don't know to say thank you or-" I giggle. He chuckled.
"Your welcome" Justin winked at me and walked into the bathroom.

      We spent the whole day together. We went on a movie date, went to the beach, etc. I enjoyed it a lot. Justin is so fun, cute and funny. He makes my day.
"Justin I want food" I said. Justin sighed.
"We just ate Mexican food silly" Justin chuckle.
"But I am hungry again- I HAVE A KID IN ME" I yelled.
"oh Jesus" Justin said "what do you want to eat then?".
I thought for a moment.
"I want fries" I simply said.
"So I go to McDonald's and say can I just have fries?" Justin said, I said no.
"Extra large fries, babe" I smiled.
Justin laugh a little.
We went through the drive through and quickly got my fries.
"Thank you Justin" I kissed Justin's cheek. He smiled a little at me then focus on the road.
"Justin I have my doctors appointment next week for the babies gender" I said.
Justin got excited.
"I can't wait" Justin smiled.
I agree.
"I also told my parents last night..." I spoke.
Justin looked at me
   I told Justin I'll tell him everything once we get home. I didn't want him to be distracted while he was driving.
I could tell Justin was nervous.
Since he knows that my parents never liked Justin.
They never give him a chance.
"I finally got the balls to tell my parents that I'm pregnant with your child. Obviously they got mad. Since I am about to spend my whole life with you. They were yelling at me like ' you're still with that guy who pees in buckets' and shit so I hang up on them" I confessed.
"Did they ever call you back?" Justin asked.
"Yes, but I ignore them" I said.
Justin shook his head.
"I don't get it how people hate me" Justin said.
I looked at him " don't say that" I pouted.
"I'm go to sleep early..." Justin said as he walked up stairs.
    I can tell Justin is upset of how my parents reacted.
Ever since we started dating he wanted to make my parents proud and want them to like Justin.
I walked up stairs and found Justin sleeping on his side to the wall. I lay down next to him and hug him from behind.
He turn over and hug me back as he lay his hand on my belly.

authors note; the next chapters will speed up the months. since I won't be like writing 78 chapters, cause ya know that's too long lmao. im try to make this book shorter than what my fetus self did lol

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