chapter 14.

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Months have past. Lots of drama. Between me and Selena. Justin getting in trouble a lot. And of course the media.
Justin had to go back to his Believe tour. Which leaves the house to myself. It gets boring sometimes, but I have to deal with it. Couple more months.
I'm used to this kind of relationship.
I would always be the one away from who ever I am dating because of my modeling career.
I heard my phone starting to ring.
I got up and walked towards my phone.
Justin: hey baby just wanna check my girl out. How have you been?
Me: I'm fine, how about you?
Justin: really busy. I am already starting to write songs for my new album
Me: that's great Justin
Justin: yeah. Well I'm about to perform.. I just wanted to say I love you so so so much you mean the world to me. Please please pretty please don't believe what the media says about me. It's false. But I love you so damn much
Me: aw Justin you're so cute and I promise. Good luck on your show, I love you

We ended the call. I sat down and lean back.

   2 months later

I'm currently hanging out with Lucy and Julie. Catching up of our life.
They came back to California to visit me.
"Are you and Justin back on again" Julie ask, I nodded.
"What if he breaks your heart again" Lucy spoke.
"He'll probably cheat on you too" Julie nodded.
They started assuming shit of what Justin will do.
"Can you guys not" I raised my voice.
Lucy cleared her throat "we just don't want to see your heartbroken... remember last time? You were cutting, drinking, smoking and you actually went to therapy...and..he's a heartbreaker , Evelin." She spoked.
"We want the best for you..if he breaks you I'll break his face for real this time mother fucker " Julie mumble.
I'm really thankful to have them in my life. They got my back and care about me. But they need to know to trust Justin.
"Thanks guys but-Justin is better than that honestly" I said.
They nodded and got on their phones.
We were just chilling in the living room.
I was watching a movie with Julie while Lucy is on her phone doing Lucy.
Lucy gasp "omg-".
Julie looked at what she saw, her eyes widen.
"What's wrong?" I conceded.
They both look at each other then at me.
They whisper at each other and I guess agreed on something.
"Evelin, you may need to see this" Lucy handed me her phone.
It was a video from TMZ.
The title is 'Justin Bieber mysterious new girl??' .
I watched the video.
I started to cry and ran up to my room.
Justin was spotted making out with a model and sources say he had sex with the model.
I know Justin just told me to not believe what the media say. But there is actually a damn video.
I can't believe this is actually happening all over again .

Julie and Lucy comfort me. I ended up feeling better a little.
"What are you going to do?" Lucy asked.
I looked up at her with my watery eyes.
"I'm call him..and end it-this time" I said.
They look at each other worried.
"Am beat him I swear to go-" before Julie can finish Lucy interrupted her " Julie ! Calm down omg".
Julie sat quietly.
"Am disappointed at Justin" Lucy shook her head in disappointment.
"He's a Fucking dic-" Lucy interrupted Julie again "SHUT UP".
I burst out laughing.
I can't help it.
Julie is so mad and Lucy trying to do the best.
"You guys make me laugh" I giggled.

2 hours later

Julie and Lucy left. They made me feel better for some reason. Now I have to face it. To tell Justin it's over.
I picked up my phone and scroll to the J's in my contacts. Until I landed on Justin B.
I pressed on the icon and and my phone started to ring.
I held my phone against my ear.
I heard a hello but it's not Justin. It sounds like a girl-
It's that bitch Chantel.
I've had beef with her fake ass.
Chantel: hey girl
Me: where's Justin- just give his phone back
Chantel: like Justin says can down , don't ya?

At that moment I got so mad that I could punch her.

Me: girl if you don't give the phone back to Justin I'll-
Chantel: you will what?
Me: I'll rip those implants out of your petty fake ass same with those duck lips of yours, quack
I start to hear familiar voice in the back ground "give my phone" just yelled .
Am beyond mad, I am furious.
Justin: hi Evelin
Me: stupid son of a Bitch your white boy ass playin with hoes now? I think the fuck not. You know what I am done with you again. Have fun with yo hoes shabye!
Justin: Evelin please listen to me-

Before Justin can continue I hanged up on him . I grab my keys and drove off to the bar.
While I was there I was drinking some shots. I bumped into Matthew. We took some shots together.
I had no idea what I was doing.
I guess this is a phase going through a heartbreak.
I took so many shots to get my mind off my fucked up life.
"I'll see you later eve" Matthew kissed my cheek. I smiled and waved at him.
I got in my car.
I started laughing out of nowhere.
I'm fucked, I thought.
As I was driving I lost control of the wheel.
I heard a loud sound in front of me.
My eyes started to slowly close.

sorry for the long ass chapter lmao

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