chapter 11.

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Evelin pov;
I let him kiss me anyway but I know it's wrong.
I slowly pull away but Justin grab me by the waist and pull me closer to him. We continued so on.
Until I heard camera flashes coming from behind us.
I quickly pull away and turn around.
I see one paparazzi taking pictures of us.
Shit, I thought.
"Fuck" I mumble as I turn to Justin and look down.
"I'm diffidently in trouble" I said in a angry town.
I started to yell at the paparazzi.
But then Justin grab my hand
"Evelin calm down" Justin said as he made me look at him.
"Do you not see I'm in trouble ? Not just with Cameron bu-but with my manager and his friends , my friends" I yelled as I push him. I started to punch his chest.
"Evelin.. Evelin!" Justin tried to grab my hands.
He give up and grab my waist and pull me on his shoulder . He carried me inside.
"Justin put me down!" I yelled
Justin sigh "I'll put you down once you calm down".
I got finally shut my mouth.
Justin placed me on his sofa .
" I should really get going" I said as I tried to get up.
"No Evelin" Justin said , he grabbed me by the hand.
"You're gonna get yourse- I'm basically trying say that you can't control yourself." Justin spoke in a calm tone.
" did you not see how you reacted when you saw the paparazzi" Justin said, I stayed quiet for a minute.
I nodded as I look down.
"Here I'll drive you to your house" Justin said as he grab his keys.
We were on the highway, it was pretty quiet but the radio was on making the car ride less quiet.
I was thinking this through of how I'm going to explain this to Cameron.
This is the end of me and Cameron's relationship.
I know I will be getting lot of hate.
I could see 3 paparazzi cars behind us, following us.
"Justin why" I blurt out.
Justin sighed and took a deep breathe.
"I'm sorry-" before Justin could continue I interrupted him
"No am sorry" I said.
"It isn't your fault" Justin said as he focus on the road.
"I'm literally so sorry- I know you don't have the same feelings as I have for you, but-" I interrupted Justin again
" you don't know that" I said.
Justin looked at me.
He smirk a little.
I give him a small smile.
      We arrived at my house. We both got out of the car.
I noticed Cameron's car is here.
I unlock the door and call out Cameron's name.
No answer.
"Where is he" Justin asked
I shrugged.
"I saw his car" I said as I looked around .
I heard footsteps coming down the stairs.
It's Cameron .. with a suitcase.
I guess he found out.
"What are you doing with that" I asked.
"Leaving" Cameron spoke.
"Cam I can explai-"
"You don't have to explain anything , I saw with my own eyes what I saw. Unloyal bitch " Cameron interrupted me.
"Hey that's not how you speak to a lady" Justin yelled.
Cameron looked straight at Justin .
"And who gives you the right to steal my girl" Cameron yelled back.
"I'm not your girl... anymore. I'm done with this" i begin to cry.
Cameron's anger expression settle downed and looked at me with sadness.
"Eveli-" Cameron tried to speak. But I raised my hand.
"Cam- you didn't even trust me while I was at Justin's house... I- where's the trustworthy in this relationship?" I spoke " and..and you would talk shit about Justin even though he did nothing to hurt you! You would not let me talk about him or let me visit him until today. Literally the only reason why I care about Justin is how he has been behaving and he's depress. Bu- but YOU would laugh at it and say 'oh he's lying he just wants attention' what the fuck is that? You're heartless".
Cameron looked at me then looked down.
"Look I got to go" Cameron said as he grabbed his suite case and left.
I broke down into tears, Justin was there for me that night... and for a month.

[sorry if there are any mistakes]

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