chapter 22.

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[1 week later]
     We got up pretty early, which is unbelievable. We usually stay in bed sleeping or talking until about 12pm.
But we got a doctors appointment today.
We're going to find out the baby's gender, which is really exciting.
I think Justin is more excited than I am.
"Are you ready?" Justin asked me, I nodded as I grab my purse. We headed out.
    We got to the clinic/hospital and signed in.
We waited and waited. It felt like hours.
"When are they coming" Justin asked, I shrugged.
"Evelin Romero"
I scan the room and found a doctor at the doorway. She seems to be in her 40's, really don't know.
Me and Justin walked over to her and she lead us to the room.
"I would like you to sit on this" the doctor pointed at the small bed. I nodded.
Justin sat down to a chair that is next to me and smiled at me.
I smiled back.
He's adorable.
"Let me introduce myself I am dr. Lee but you can call me Stacy, either way" she smiled.
"Nice to meet you I am Evelin and this is my boyfriend Justin" I smiled and shake her hand. She greeted us and press a button for the back of the seat to go down.
She got her computer ready.
I pull up my shirt to expose my belly.
Stacy quickly put on her gloves and lay some gel on my belly.
She rubbed it around the scanner and my belly and begin the process.
She looked around with the scanner for the baby.
"Ah here's the baby" Stacy smiled.
Me and Justin kept our eyes up on the tv.
"Aw" Justin smiled.
Stacy tried to look around the baby's body for any sign.
"Looks like the baby is a girl" Stacy smiled "she's all healthy, congratulations ".
We thanked her.
"Here's towel to wipe off the gel" Stacy handed me and towel. I did as told and got off the seat.
"She's going to be beautiful like her mother" Justin smiled at me.
I awed and kiss him.

[4 months later]

I'm 8 months pregnant and I feel fat and heavy.
I looked at myself at the mirror.
I pull my shirt up a little to see my belly. It's pretty huge. My deadline is close. Next month.
"I can't believe she's almost here" I heard a voice behind me. I turn around, Justin.
"Yeah...same" I smiled at him.
"I found a name for the baby" Justin said.
I raised my eyebrow "better not be one of those ugly names you've said".
Justin chuckled.
"No no it's Julie" Justin smiled proudly.
"That's actually a beautiful name, Justin" I smiled "Julie it is".
Justin cheered then went to 'I told you so' for 12 minutes.
"And Scooter and Alison are coming over in 10 to tell me my schedule" Justin said as he walked out of the door.

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