chapter 2.

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Justin begin to swing his arm, before he could hit the guy. Kenny stopped him.
"Justin lets go" Kenny told Justin, Justin give the guy a dirty look.
"Don't you ever touch my girlfriend" Justin pointed a finger at him.
The guy raised his hands as defense and laugh a little.
"Justin lets go" I mumble, Justin nodded.
I carried mine and Justin's drinks as Kenny talked to Justin the way to the black van.
Justin & Kenny drop me off at my house.
I made my way inside my house and laid on the couch. I sigh.
I took out my phone from my purse.
I noticed that Justin is trending.
I read the article;

Justin Bieber got into a fist fight with another teenager
Justin Bieber,19, was at StarBucks with super model Evelin,18. A 19 year old, Brayan, told us " He started punching me and beating me up for no F****ing reason! I did nothing to him!" He claimed. ..

I stopped reading the article there and knew this is bullshit, from just the first paragraph. All what he said is lies and this article is lies. This is what I hate about the media.
So I decided to went on Twitter and explain what REALLY happened.
What REALLY happened is that the boy touched my ass. Of course Justin got angry. Before Justin would have punch him, Kenny stopped him. So nobody got hurt. Don't believe the media kids💜

I soon texted Justin, to make sure if he has heard and feels upset about it.

Evelin: Hey have you heard what the media have been saying 😒
Justin💘: yeah, it's bullshit. Now I've been hate for no fucking reason 😭😐
Evelin: aww. It's okay. Just ignore it baby
Justin💘: how can I ignore it!? It's like blowing up my feed. People started leaving me. I feel like the whole world hates me now 😞

I really felt bad for Justin. He is getting blame for no reason. He was just defending for me, his girlfriend. I hate to hear that Justin is pretty upset.

Evelin:Justin. You have to keep your head up. Don't listen to the haters. And nobody left you. Your True Beliebers are here and me. But your Beliebers will always be there for matter what. They always defend for you. You know how strong your Beliebers are. They are like the powerful fanbase in the world! You should be lucky to have such amazing fans like them. And be positive 💜
Justin💘: thanks baby. It's nice for you to be cheering me up. And I should know my Beliebers better than that. Thanks for everything. This is one of the reasons why I love you & you are my everything 😍❤️
Evelin: if you are happy, then I am 😊 ily
Justin💘: i love you too💜

      I heard my doorbell ring, which woke me up. I groan. I quickly made my way downstairs.
I opened the door slowly and noticed its Julie & Lucy.
"Hey girl" Lucy spoke with excitement.
"Wtf are you guys doing here!? It's 5am!" I raised my voice "you two woke me up".
"We're sorry. We didn't know you were sleeping. We just wanted to cheer you up from yesterday..." Julie said.
     I'm not that upset though. Or did I really sounded upset from yesterday?
"I'm sorry.i just- can't take the drama the media were blaming on Justin" I rushed my fingers through my hair.
They nodded and noticed we needed to talk. I let them inside. We all gather in the living room.
"Is Justin upset?" Julie asked me, I shrug.
"I guess...for what he told me..." I spoke in a low and soft tone as I look at my nails.
"Aww poor Justin" Lucy pouted " he's getting blamed for nothing".
"Yeah..." I mumble.
"Where is he now?" Julie asked me.
   I really didn't know where Justin is at. I think he is at home. He should stay at home since the media will get on him. He'll be nervous & probably get scared.
"Well I really don't know. Let me text him for a minute" I said, they nodded as they got on their phones.
The room was pretty quiet as everyone was in their phones.
I pulled out my phone and press on the message icon.

Evelin: hey where are u at?

     I waited and waited for Justin to reply and nothing happened. He didn't answer me. I groan.
I decided to check my Instagram feed for a while until Justin answered.
I look through my feed until I stopped on one of Justin's post. It was a selfie with another blond girl. She had a perfect body and she was pretty..I had to admit.
She was tagged on the picture, I click on her username. She had over 600k followers. I notice she was a model and her name was Chantel.
Then I looked back at the picture. She clearly all over Justin. I furrowed my eyebrows.
I check if Justin had answered me. He didn't. I was getting worried for a second.
I decided to call him.
I place the phone near my ear. It being ringing. On the third ring, somebody answered.
"Hello?" I heard a female voice
"Um who is this? Can I talk to Justin?" I asked on the other line.
"Sorry. He is sleeping right now." The girl responded.
"Who is this?" I asked again.
"Chantel" she spoke.

Sorry if this is kinda a long chapter..well idk. Anyway vote for this chapter!💗

[sorry if there was any mistakes💕]

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