chapter 27.

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I've been waiting in the living room for Justin to come back from the 'studio'. The baby is sound asleep while I wait on the sofa.
Then he finally arrived.
Justin walked into the house quietly not noticing me, yet.
He locks the door.
As soon he turns around he jumps as soon he sees me.
"Evelin I didn't know you're he-"
"Where have you been?" I interrupted Justin.
I'm hoping he'll say the truth and not lie so we can forget this.
I have no idea where he has been and who he was with.
"I was at the studio." Justin simply replied.
Fucking liar, I thought to myself.
But instead I let him off the hook and we both went to bed.
I have a plan.

The next day I am still mad at Justin for not telling the truth. But today is the day I find out. Why he has been lying to me.
43 minutes left. For Justin to go to the 'studio'.
I made a call for Lucy and Julie to come over in a few minutes.
"Justin I'm have my girls over" I told him, he nodded.
Justin walked upstairs to take a shower and get ready to go.
As he was taking a shower I was feeding Julie.
Julie keeps spitting her food out and playing with it.
I heard the doorbell.
I put the baby food down on the table and walked over to the door.
It's Julie and Lucy !
They already know the plan and why I told them to come.
"Where's Justin?" Lucy asked.
"He's taking a shower, he's about to leave though" I slightly smiled.
They walked with me to the kitchen where baby Julie is a still sitting as she plays with her food.
We had a friendly talk.
I heard Justin walking down stairs.
"Babe I gotta go" Justin said.
I scammed Justin.
He looks nice.
"Why are you dressed up so nice?" I asked as I walk towards him.
"Really? I didn't think this is different from what I wear" Justin said, I shrugged. ,anyway I have to go."
"I'll walked you out since I left my bag in my car" I spoke, Justin nodded.
We walked together outside.
I press the button to unlock my car.
"See you later" Justin kiss me on the lips "I love you".
I smiled and said bye.
I pretended to look for something inside my car. I waited for Justin to drive off.
I closed my door and started my engine.
I begin to follow Justin.
The reason why I called Lucy and Julie to come over my house so they can take care of baby Julie while I go find out where Justin has been. They know the story.

I have been following justin for about 30 minutes. We finally arrived.
It was at a home in Los Angeles.
I'm confused.
I'm expecting him to go to a club or something.
Not to someone's home.
The real question is, who's home?
I parked in front of someone's home.
I quickly got out of my car and ran over to the home Justin is at.
I looked over and see Justin walked up to the door and rang the doorbell.
It took a couple of seconds for someone to open the door... Chantel?

My body started to boil of anger.
Justin walked inside.
I walked back to my car and sat in there.
Finding a excuse why Justin is with Chantel.
But at the end, there is no good reason.
I decided to call Justin to see he will give me a answer.
He didn't pick up.
I've been sitting in the car for almost a 30 minutes.
I've decided to go there myself.
I walked up to the door in anger and knock on the door.
Justin answered the door.
This time he was shirtless with shorts.
"Evelin why are you here?" Justin asked surprised.
"Where's that whore?" I asked.
Justin tried to find a excuse to tell me why he is here.
Instead I walked past him and tried to find Chantel to beat her ass.
I opened one of the bedrooms door.
"Justin?" I heard Chantels voice.
I saw Chantel on the bed naked, covering herself with a blanket.
All around the floor I see is their clothes.
My eyes started to tear up.
"Evelin-" Justin started
"Fuck off" I yelled at Justin.
Chantel had a smirk on her face.
"you fucking whore-" I started
"Evelin I'm sorry" Justin interrupted me.
He place his hand on my shoulder.
"Sorry my ass" I said "jerk"
I started to rush out of the house.
Justin tried to catch up to me saying he's sorry and shit.
I didn't listen to him.
I got in my car and drove off, crying.

I'm done with Justin.

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