chapter 6.

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      Today I'm heading off to L.A. for a photoshoot. I invited Cameron along with me.
I took a nice shower then I got dress, in a casual outfit.
Then I heard the doorbell. I quickly ran downstairs and open the door.
"Hey Cameron" I lightly smiled, he looked nice today.
"Hey, are you ready?" Cameron asked me, I nodded.
We both race to his car.

Justin's pov;

Ive been feeling really depress lately...and it's not good! I have a lot of meetings, interviews, recordings, etc. I have to do. But I can't get Evelin off of my mind. It makes me cry.
I shouldn't have cheated on her! I shouldn't have went to that party/club! I shouldn't have got drunk!
This is all my fault, and it's a big mess.
I really need to talk to her and tell her I'm really sorry, so she could be my baby girl again.
I miss her hugs, kisses, smile, EVERYTHING!
  But then I went on my social media and saw news... That I wasn't expecting...
It said ; Evelin found herself a new         boyfriend!?

I doubt it at first. Then I saw the pictures. It was Evelin and Cameron Dallas!
I couldn't believe it was Cameron at first also. But then I saw the pictures of how they look at each other. Especially the way he looked at her. Also how he hold her. He was getting very touchy and flirty. With my girl!? Oh hell no. I'm about to beat him up. But that's not the right thing to do. Evelin would be so upset with me if I do that.
So I have to remain calm and tell him how I feel.
I also have to go face to face to Evelin and tell her I'm deeply sorry.
You know what? I'll tell her I'm sorry. Right now. Today.
I just need to find out if she's home or somewhere.
I went on social media to find anything about Evelin, like where the paparazzi have seen her at.
     I saw a picture of Evelin. It showed she is gonna be the next Victoria Secret model. I have to admit... I'm proud of her.
     I look through every social media app if there are any pictures or news of where is Evelin at right now. I found nothing. Which upsets me.
     So I decided to call one of her friends that she is more close to.
I decided to call Matthew. Since they are both really close and he knows everything of what's going on with her life.
   I place the phone next to my ear. On the second ring, Matt answered.
"Hello?" I hear Matts voice.
"Hey Matt. So I want to say my apologies to Evelin... Like right now. But I don't know where she is at right now. Do you have any clue?" I asked.
All I heard is "umm".
"I'm pretty sure she's at her photoshoot for VS" Matt said "it's at LA. Do you know where it is at?".
"Yeah, I've been there." I said very fast. I look at my clock. It's 11:34 am. I have to go to the studio at 12:30. It's gonna be a long drive to get to LA, about 30 minutes. To say my apologies. Then I have to come back. If I don't go to the studio in time, Scooter will get very mad at me. Since I've been coming late at meeting for 2 weeks in a row.
"Okay. I also want to say that Cameron will be ther-" before Matt could continue, I interrupted him.
"K thank you man. Got to go or I'll be late at my meeting" I said then I hanged up.
I quickly got dress. In black joggers, a red shirt with blue and white designed. Then some white Supras.
  I ran out of my house to my car and drove off fast.

Evelin's pov;

   Cameron parked the car at the parking lot. I noticed there are no paparazzi or any fans. Since there are a lot of security and a fence to keep out unwanted people.
  Me and Cameron quickly got out of the car. We made our way inside the building. They first introduced us to the crew. Then they want me to get dress in my outfit. The leaded me and Cameron to my dressing room.
   "The stylist will be here in 23 minutes. While we wait for her, I want you to get dress in the outfit." Kim said. Kim is the person keeping everyone on time and she's like my manager.
    Kim left the room as she close the door from behind.
I look through the rack of clothes.
Then I notice the labels. It showed which outfit first then last.
I grab the first outfit. It is a white and bright pink bikini.
   "I'm gonna get dress" I said at Cameron. He nodded and sat down on a couch.
"I'll just wait here" he lightly smiled, I smiled back then went into the changing area.

Justin's pov;

    I got to the front entrance of the building. The police lightly knock on the window. I roll down my window.
  "Hello officer" I smiled.
"Hello. Why are you here sir?" The officer asked.
"I'm here to talk to Evelin Marie" I said.
"What's your name?" He asked.
"I'm Justin Bieber" I said with a proud expression.
He looked through his list and pointed at a name.
"oh. You're under visitors. You're welcomed" he smile. He give the other officers a signal to open the gate. The gate slowly lift up.
"Thank you officer" I smiled, he nod his head.
I drove into the lot. I drove around for a open spot. Once I found one I parked my car and got out.

Evelin's pov;

I stepped outside of the dresser. Cameron looked up at me. His jaw drop.
"What do you think?" I asked him as I check myself on the mirror.
"You- you look sexy" Cameron blurt out, he quickly cover his mouth. I couldn't help but laugh.
He's so cute.
"Thank you, Cam" I giggle.
I looked at myself again in the mirror.
Cameron got up and walked over to me. I turned around to face him to see what he wants.
I felt his hands on my cheek. He crash his lips against mine. My eyes widen, then I closed my eyes.
Cameron held my waist and pulled me closer to him. Then he lifted me up to sit on the counter.
Cam went between my legs and press his lips against mine again.
I wrap my arms around his neck as we deepen the kiss.
All of the sudden I heard the door swing open... Justin?

Tbh I feel bad for Justin )':

[sorry if there are any mistakes💖]

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