chapter 18.

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Evelin's pov;

I woke up the next morning from a 7 missed calls from scooter and a message.
The message reads: hey is Justin with you?
I answered back simply saying no.
Right when I sent it, Scooter called me.
I picked it up and place it against my ear;
Me: hello ?
Scooter: hey sorry to bother you but have you seen Justin, at any chance?
Me: no why ?
Scooter: he's gone.
Me: what do you mean he's gone? WhA-
Scooter: he isn't in his hotel room. One of his bags is gone. No one saw him after he left my room.
Me: what the fuck-

Before I can finish I heard the door bell. "Um Scooter, can you hold up someone rang my door bell" I spoke. I made my way to the front door. I opened it and see Justin.
"WHAT THE FUCK JUSTIN" I yelled at him, he smiled big.
"Everyone is searching for you dumb ass. Why would you disappear ! Everyone was worried" I yelled.
"Hey baby" Justin said with a big smiled.

"Hey baby" Justin said with a big smiled

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I rolled my eyes and let Justin inside.
Me: Justin just arrived at my house
Scooter: hand the phone to him please I need to speak to him

"Scooter wants to speak with you" i hand the phone to Justin he sigh and took the phone.
I could hear Scooter yelling, I couldn't help but laugh a little.
Once Justin finished talking to Scooter, he hand my phone back.
"Scooter is sending Alice to pick me up with Kenny in 2 hours." Justin sigh.
"Why did you run away from your tour?" I asked Justin.
He sat down next to me.
"I miss you so much. I even told Scooter about it. I asked him if I can visit you or you can join me ... he said no" Justin confessed.
I awed.
I didn't realized he miss me this much.
"Justin you could have called me instead of running away from tour" I giggle.
He shrug his shoulders as he chuckled.
    Me and Justin went on a dinner date. I weaved a tight dress( the picture of the dress is below ).

 I weaved a tight dress( the picture of the dress is below )

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We arrived from the dinner date. We are a little drunk . I drank a little. Justin drink a lot even tho I told him not to. Of course the paparazzi were following us.
It was dark outside which makes it harder to find the paparazzi. Either they are with us or not.
"Justin my feet hurt" I spoke.
"Cut your legs" Justin being to laugh at his own joke.
He's so drunk that it makes me laugh.
Justin carried me inside the house since my feet hurt. He throw me on the bed and got on top of me.
"You're so sexy" Justin spoke as he looked into my eyes. I smiled at him as i wrap my arms around his neck. He press his lips against mine. The kiss turn into a make out .
"I love you" Justin moaned between kisses.
I smiled as we kiss.
Justin's hand made its way behind me.
He pull the zipper of my dress down.

I heard the door bell from my sleep. I got up and peaked the window. It's
Kenny with Alice. Crap" I mumble.
I quickly put on a big shirt and some shorts.
"Justin wake up!" I yelled. He groaned.
"Mommy is that you" Justin mumble.
"No ! Get up and get dress Kenny and Alice are here." I confessed. He went back to sleep , I groan.
Justin can't leave naked and drunk. I need help.
I quickly made my way downstairs and open the door .
I greet Kenny and Alice inside.
"Where's Justin we have to go" Alice said.
"Uh Justin is drunk and won't get up... he's also naked" I told them.
Alice smirk and raise her left eyebrow.
"I'll go get him" Kenny said,
I nodded and lead him to the bedroom Justin is sleeping at.
I open the door and see no Justin .
"What the fuck he was here a minute ago" I said.
We looked around for Justin.
I looked outside of the window to view the backyard.
Justin is swimming in the pool naked.
I gasp "he's swimming" I rush to the backyard.
"Justin get your ass inside" I yelled.
He looked at me. He begin to swim forward to me.
Justin got out of the pool and walked towards to me.
" let's go get clothes on" I told him.
He hug me with his bare wet arms, and kissed me .
"Justin stop" I screamed.
Justin chuckle "I love you baby".

Kenny got Justin dress . Alice try to keep everyone on time.
"It's time to go" Alice said.
"Let's go Justin" Kenny said as he put Justin's bag in the van.
"Evelin come with me please" Justin beg
"I would but I can't . I promise we'll see each other" I peaked his lips.
He pout and give me a puppy face.
"Bye baby" Justin give me one last kiss . I mouthed bye.
He got inside the van and they drove off.

I got a feeling this book is gonna take a while to complete.
Sorry if there are any mistakes.

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