chapter 7.

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Justin's pov;

—7 minutes before—

     I showed the security my pass that the lady give me.
The security let me inside the building. I walked around to find anyone or someone I know.
Then I bumped into Kim!
"Kim!" I said with excitement.
I know Kim because she works with Evelin.
"Justin?" Kim looked at me confused "what are you doing here?".
"I'm here to see and tell Evelin something. It's very important. Can I please see her for a couple of minutes" I beg Kim.
She checked her watch and clipboard.
"I guess since the stylist isn't here yet." She said "she's in her dressing room. The door has her name printed on it and she isn't lonely in there. She's with-" before Kim can continue, i interrupted her.
"Okay thank you Kim. I'm in a hurry" I said then I went racing off.
Once I found her dressing room, I quickly open the door.
Now I regret it opening the door.
In front of me I see Cameron and Evelin making out.
Evelin push him away.
"WHAt ThE FuCk!" I blurt out.
Cameron looked at me, with a dirty look.
I'm so confused. I tried to say something, but I can't speak. I'm literally speechless.
I also can't believe Evelin would date Cameron.

Evelin's pov;

Justin tried to speak but he can't. I could tell he's about to cry. His eyes are getting watery.
"Justin.." I said in a soft low voice as I got off of the counter and walk toward him.
I grab his arm, he pull his arm back.
"I literally came over here in a hurry. I'm suppose to be at the studio right now. And I came here to see this..." Justin pointed at me and Cameron. "This is a waste of my damn life. I'm leaving." Justin shook his head.
Justin left the room. I looked at Cameron.
"Wtf is wrong with him?" Cameron asked me "he's the one who broke you. You guys aren't even dating and he comes here and act like you're cheating on him".
I sigh. I just got off of the counter and focus of why I came here for.

   The whole thing was all over the Internet. Even the video of us making out, some how it leaked. Justin posted a picture and he explain his side of the story. Which made me seem the 'bad guy'. I've been getting tons of hate from his fans. I felt like I shouldn't even be alive. Every haters comment making me feel depress and losing my happiness. At this point ...I hate my life.
I decided to go live on YOUNOW, and explain my side of the story. I don't want anyone to hate on Justin or Cameron or anyone...I just wanted to state that am not the 'bad guy'.
Once I finished going live, I heard the doorbell. I got up and walked over to the door. I slowly open the door and see Justin.
Why would he be here? I thought he hate me? Wait, does he?
I looked at him confused.
"Why are you here?" I asked.
Justin took a deep breath "I'm here because I notice that I blame it all on you..which isn't your fault" Justin started "I realized that I took my anger on you because I was jealous... I also notice that you've been getting tons of hate because of me. I- I realized I'm acting like a jerk. I can't control you to like or not like someone. I wanna say I'm sorry. Also deeply sorry for cheating on you.." Justin confessed.
  Justin then explain why he came to my photoshoot. Then I realized I was wrong. He was just drunk, he wasn't completely thinking right. But at the same time, getting drunk doesn't make a excuse for cheating. I guess I could forgive him for now.
"I understand, but that isn't a excuse for cheating" I spoke.
" i know I know. But I'm deeply sorry for everything. I'll do anything-please!" Justin begged.
"I could forgive you right now. But I need some space" I said. Justin looked down.
"I understand" Justin begin walking away to his car. I watch him drove off. I sigh and went back in the house.

Guys I'm sorry for not updating in a while. I'll try to update every week💜

[sorry if there are any mistakes]

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