chapter 8.

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Evelin's pov;
It has been a month and Justin hasn't physical talk to me. I think he actually understand me. But I've heard in recent interviews that he is heartbroken and wants me back.
Me and Cameron are dating..which is probably a reason why Justin have been sad.
We've been dating for 3 weeks now. He's so sweet, caring, everything I want in a guy! He has been staying at my house lately which is nice.
Today me and Cameron are going to the beach.
I got dress in a black plain bandage strappy. Over the whole bikini i put on a plain while shirt and black and white sport short.
I waited in the living room for Cameron.
"Let's go babe" I heard Cameron's voice. I got up and grab my bag. I followed Cameron outside. We both got in the car and drove off to the beach.
On our way to the beach, of course the paparazzi have to follow us. Which made my day even worst.
Cameron notice how mad I looked

Cameron's pov;
I notice Evelin is mad because of the paparazzi.
I try my best to lose the paparazzi, but they always end up finding us.
We arrive to the beach.
We quickly got out of the car and walked around to find a perfect place.
Once we found a quiet and nice place, we sat our bags down.
Evelin just sat down and sigh. It looks like she was about to cry.
She's going through a tough part in her life. I took her out here so she can forget about everything that is making her sad.
I sat down next to her.
Evelin just stared into the ocean.
"Evelin? Are u ok?" I asked her and I study her face.
She slowly nodded.
She is obviously lying.
I grab her hand and kiss it.
"Babe, I know you're lying. I know that you're not in the mode. Just tell me" I spoke.
Evelin looked at me.
"Is just when ever I see the paparazzi or get to me they always ask about Justin. In a interview they always ask about Justin. On social media I always see comments and pictures of Justin that I'm tagged on. Everything is Justin! And it's annoying me. I'm labeled as a heartbreaker or a slut. I just can't" Evelin broke into tears.
I quickly pull her into a hug before anyone can take a picture of her crying.
"Evelin everything is going to be ok. Trust me" I whisper.
The only response I can hear is her sobbing into my chest.
When she stop crying she pulled away.
"Eve, we came here to have a great time and forget about what everyone is saying. Can u put a smile on your face for me?" I asked her with a small smile. She nodded.
"Can u hand me my sunglasses?" Evelin asked.
I nodded and hand them over to her. She took off her shirt and shorts. Then she put on her sunglasses.
I also took off my shirt.

Evelin's pov;

I got up and walked over to the water. I step my foot in the water to see how the temperature is. It's cold, but not that cold.
I walked deeper and deeper.
Then I felt a pair of hands grab me on the waist and spin me around.
I scream of course.
I looked down to see who it is, it's Cameron.
He chuckle and put me down.
"You scared me" I said
"And you smiled" he smiled big.
I look up at him and wrap my arms around his neck.
Cam wrap his arms around my waist and pull me close to his body. Once he is close to my face, he press his lips against mine.
"I love you" Cameron said out of breath.
"I love you too baby" I said back

Sorry for not posting and being inactive. I decided there isn't a hella lot of drama on this chapter.

[sorry if there is any mistakes]

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