chapter 10.

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Justin's pov;
I couldn't help it but start tearing up. I miss what we had. I miss her. I miss those good days with her. I was the happiest person on earth.
But things change.
"Justin are you ok?" Evelin asked
I nodded my head as I whipped more tears off my face.
"You're not ok. Don't lie to me" Evelin spoke in a soft tone. She quickly move to where I am. She hugged me. I hugged her tight and cried.

Evelin's pov;
   Justin was crying like crazy on my shoulder , I didn't know what to do. I don't want to leave him crying alone doing drugs or shit. I want to stay and be there for him.
But Cameron will be back at the house any minute and should think something is up between me and Justin . I don't want to ruin our relationship.
But I don't care . If he thinks I'm doing impropriate things with Justin, that isn't trust.
I have to be there for Justin of how I treated his feelings.
"Justin do you want me to make you lemonade " I asked him.
I remember the old times he would always be happy every time I mention I'm going to make lemonade. He just likes how I make it. I find it cute.
He pulled away with a big smile
"Oh my god yes !" He screamed up excitement.
I giggle a little.
He's a cute human.
"Can you show me where the ingredients are at?" I asked.
"Evelin, its the same like before" Justin said .
I simply nodded my head and made my way to his kitchen.

      "Mmm your lemonade always taste good" Justin said as he look a sip.
I smiled as I look down .
I pull out my phone and checked the time.
I noticed over 10 messages from Cameron.
Cameron texts:
Where are u ?
It's 7 I'm worried !
Come home .
Are u still with him tf.
Bet y'all are kissing .
Knew it.

Bruh I said in my mind.
He really thinks I have a thing with Justin already .
   Justin noticed my face expression . "Is everything ok?" He asked. I quickly put my phone away.
"Yes of course" I simply said with a fake smile " well I have to go, Cameron needs me" .
Justin's smile turn upside down.
But he quickly pulled a smile.
"Yeah.. it was great that you came by to visit" Justin smiled as we walked towards the door.
Before I walk to my car I looked at Justin.
"Thank you Evelin" Justin smiled
"No problem" I said.
Before I turn away , Justin hold my chin to face him and press his lips against mine.

Sorry if there are any mistakes lol

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