chapter 24.

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[next month]

Me and Justin are having a chill day. By that I mean like watch movies , eat and cuddle all day together.
Justin will be attending the America Music Awards. He's going to perform there. I'll be with him also.
We've so far watch a movie. We're on our second. We're watching Lilo & Stitch, something original I guess.
I felt a few pains there and there from my belly.
I have no idea what's going on in there.
"Are you okay, Evelin?" Justin looked at me concerned, I nodded.
"I'm completely fine...I'm just go to the bathroom for a second" I told him.
"Do you need help babe?" Justin asked as he looked at me begin walking up the stairs.
"No I'm fine but thanks" I said looking straight up as I held on the railing.
Justin paused the movie as he watched me walk up the stairs, making sure I'm safe.
Once I made it to the top, I made my way to the bathroom.
I closed the door from behind.
I looked at myself in the mirror.
I look sick, I thought.
I felt this strong pain in my lower, I crunched down in pain and moaned.
" Evelin are you fine" Justin yelled, I guess I was that loud that he can hear me.
I was in so much pain that I couldn't answer him.
I heard him ruining up stairs and open the bathroom door.
"Evelin !" Justin screamed.
He helped me up.
"What's wrong- do you want me to take you to the hospital?" Justin asked.
I simply replied no "I'm fine Justin".
He groan "you're not fine Evelin-" before he could continue I screamed louder.
"Yeah take me to the hospital" i quickly said.
Justin carried me in bridesmaid style to the car.
Then we drove off.


The nurses quickly help me on the moving bed and rush me to a room.
I was in pain.
I can feel water break.
The baby is coming.

[Justin's pov]

They rushed Evelin to a room. I tagged along of course.
She's about to give birth to my child.
I stood by her side the whole time.
I saw my child came into the world.

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