chapter 26

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[Justin's pov]

      We sat down and i thought to myself what should I begin. Or not to sound too harsh.
"What's wrong Evelin?" I simply asked her.
She looked at me confused.
"Why have you been acting like this lately?"
Evelin looked down at her feet and furrowed her eyebrows.
I guess she's thinking.
That's how she thinks.
It's funny but adorable.
"I think I just have been very stressed about Julie- and I haven't been having a lot of sleep... I would just lay there staring at the ceiling waiting for the baby to cry again so I can go help I guess. I'm sorry Justin" Evelin confessed.
"Don't be sorry. You're not the only one like this. I am pretty sure this happens to a lot of woman out there. " I hugged Evelin.
She smiled.
"I'm sorry if I've been worrying you" Evelin said.
"Nah it's fine" I pressed my lips on hers.

[2 months later]
[Evelin's pov]

Me and Justin have been doing so well especially with Julie.
Shes 2 months already. She's growing taller. She used to be very tiny.
We can fully examine her eyes , hair, etc.
I was feeding Julie with a bottle of milk as me and Justin adored her cuteness.
"Justin she has your eyes, it's so cute" I said.
I looked into Julie's eyes, her eye color is obviously like Justin's. Light hazel brown.
Mine are legit pitch black because I'm plain Mexican.
"She's going to be just like her daddy" Justin smiled big.
I couldn't help but smile big because Justin's smile is fucking cautious.
It makes me happy every time he smiles.

Justin seems very off all of the sudden.
Since last week.
He's spending too much time in the studio.
He usually spends 4 hours.
Now he spends about 7 hours.
He would come back in the middle of the night of some smell.
He would tell me he's at the studio, I believe he's lying.

Today Justin left to the studio at 3pm. It's 7pm now and he hasn't been back yet.
I get worried and anxiety begins to grow.
I decided to call Scooter.
Scooter: hello?
Me: um hey Scooter is Justin still at the studio?
Scooter: what? Is this a joke?!
Me: what? What are you talking about- I'm serious
Scooter: Justin hasn't been in the studio in weeks. He's spending time off with you and Julie

My jaw drops.
Justin have been lying to me.

Me: what! Wait do you know where he is now?
Scooter: no clue. Sorry Evelin
Me: it's fine. But thanks.

I can't believe what I just hear.

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