chapter 19.

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5 weeks later

     I scroll through my calendar and realized I'm 2 weeks later. I started to panic.
I asked Matt if he can give me a ride, he agreed. I told Matt to drive me to the nearest drug store. While we are on the road , Justin's song came on, Beauty and a Beat. We were both jamming to the song.
I noticed the paparazzi following us which made my day even worst.
"Why exactly do you need at the store" Matt asked as he made a turn.
I didn't want him to freak out or accuse things until I know the truth if I am pregnant or not.
I better not.
"I just need um.. stuff" I said simply.
He nodded.
"Like food?" He chuckled.
"YEAH" I said , he laugh a little.
Once we arrived I rush inside. I am trying to run away from Matt so he won't find out what I'm looking for.
I made it to the ailed and looked all over for the pregnancy tests.
I found them and grab a box and put it in my basket. I quickly grab some cookies, chips and candy to hide the box.
"Eve, I know you're hiding something" Matt spoke which scared the shit out of me.
"Wha-what? I don't know what you're talking about" I lied.
He grab my basket and dig through it. He showed me the pregnancy test box.
"Are you pregnant Justin?" Matt asked.
I looked around making sure no one is hearing us or watching us.
"Look I am 2 weeks late" I whispered.
He raised his left eyebrow.
"Is it Justin's baby" Matt asked
I rolled my eyes
"No shit. I am pretty sure 99.9% it's Justin's child.. well I don't know if I am actually pregnant"
"Does Justin know?"
"No. I will tell him soon"

Me checked out our items and hang out at my place. Matt is chilling on the couch eating his food while watching some show on Netflix. As I am in the bathroom.
I opened the box and read the instructions. I followed what the instructions said and waited for the news. My anxiety grew in every minute.
Matt knocked on the door "hey can I come in?" He asked.
"Yes" I spoke. He opened the door and walked inside.
"How much time is left?" He asked. I looked at my timer "1 minute" I told him.
My timer ring. I turn it off and looked at the results.
I read it.
"Well?" Matt said.
"I am pregnant" I gasp.
Matt stayed quiet.
"How am I suppose to tell justin" I begin to cry.
"Well you have to tell him some point, Evelin " Matt said
I agree.
But I don't know how or when.
"Maybe I should make a appointment to make sure" I said, Matt nodded.
"You'll be a great mother, Evelin" Matt smiled, I smiled back and thank him.

One month past. One more month and Justin is back with me. I'm excited. I haven't told him yet. I did go to the doctor to see if it's true. They scan my belly and came out positive. I am 18 and having a child with Justin Bieber?
I think he'll ditch me and pay me to abort the child. But I may never know. I know Justin isn't like that, maybe?
Either way I won't do anything to cause the baby to die.
The baby just started to live.
My baby bump is noticeable by now.
The media is going crazy. They ask me questions if I'm pregnant, I don't answer them.
Me and Justin talk on the phone every night. Which keeps us connected.
Justin is going to arrive here in L.A. In a couple of hours for his last concert. Which I am attending. I'm excited.

       Scooter called and wants me to meet them up at Justin's hotel. I took a shower, got dress, and did my makeup.
Once I was ready I drove off to the hotel.
Today is the night I am going to tell Justin I'm pregnant with his child. Which is making me nervous. I wonder how he'll react.
I arrived at the hotel and talked to Scooter.
"It's 9pm and Justin isn't in his dressing room" Scooter said. He sent the crew to look for Justin.
Scooter is one of the people who know I am pregnant. He promised he won't tell.
"Justin is at a club" Kenny said as he showed a picture of Justin with girls at a club.
I was furious.
"Sorry Evelin" Kenny said.
I took his phone and started to look at the other pictures .
"Evelin no-" Kenny panic.
I stopped at a picture of Justin kissing a girl at the club.
I give the phone back to Kenny.
Scooter looked at me worried.
"Just tell Justin about the news" I spoke.

I got a feeling this book is going to take a while to finish yikes.

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