chapter 1.

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"Wake up beautiful" I heard a familiar voice. I slowly open my eyes and see Justin's face above me.
"No, let me sleep" I push him off me and shove my face under my pillow.
"Come on I made your favorite breakfast" Justin whined.
I ignored him. My eyes begin to slowly close. Until I felt somebody pull my legs off the bed. I ended up falling off the bed with the blankets and pillows.
All I heard is Justin laughing so hard. I looked at Justin with a dirty face, he kept laughing and won't stop.
I groan and got up. I felt cold, since I was only wearing shorts and a tank top.
"Now get your cute little ass to the kitchen" Justin finally said.
After I got dress, I made my way downstairs to the kitchen. I see Justin serving food on two plates. He handed my plate. It was chocolate chip pancakes. My favorite.
As we ate our breakfast, Justin broke the silence. "Are you gonna stay here for another night?" Justin asked.
I've been here staying over at Justin's place for the past week. I mean like there is nothing wrong with it, he's my boyfriend. But then I remember that I had to drive to L.A today. I have a photoshoot.
" well I'm about to leave for the photoshoot I have today, in a 3 hours" I spoke, he nodded.
"Do you want me to come and support you? I could drive you there" Justin asked, I shrug.
"If you want to. I don't mind" I said
"Then I'll be coming" Justin lightly smiled.
Once we finished our breakfast, I went upstairs to take a shower. When I finished taking my shower, I wrap a towel around my body.
I put on my undergarments. Then I got dressed in high waist white shorts, a floral crop top, and white converse.
I dried my hair and let down my wavy long brown hair.
I found Justin already dressed up. He's in his black joggers, a plain white shirt, a black and red SnapBack, and his white supras.

Once we got to the photoshoot, they told me to get dress in my outfit. I made my way to the dressing room. I noticed the outfit is there picked out for me on the hanger. I quickly changed into it then I made my way over to my makeup artist,Kate.
She has been working with me for the past year, we're like friends. We know everything that is going on with each other's life. Which is nice to have a person who is like that.
I sat in the chair and she started doing my makeup.
"Are you excited!" Kate asked me with excitement, I shrug.
"I guess" I mumble. She just nodded and continued doing her job.
When she finished doing my makeup and hair, I headed over to the backstage.
I noticed Justin is talking to the director of this shoot.
"Okay let's get this over with!" The director yelled.
The other girls(who is my photoshoot) got around me. Then the cameras begin to flash.
After the photoshoot, Justin decided to take me to StarBucks.
I love StarBucks, I know I may sound like a white girl. But I personally do love StarBucks.
Justin's body guard, Kenny, came along. You know to protect us. Justin order for me as I stand next to him.
"That ass though" I heard, I turn my head and see a group of guys looking at my ass.
I felt uncomfortable, I held on Justin's arm.
Justin hand the money over to the lady that works as a cashier. "Your order will be ready in a few minutes" the lady smiled, Justin thanked her. We sat down in a booth and waited.
Kenny just looked around at the other people. I noticed many people were staring at us. Of course of Justin. Some people were crying. I'm guessing they are some Beliebers.
I 'aw'ed at them.
Justin lightly chuckle.
"Justin and Evelin" a man yelled out. We walked over to the counter and grab our drinks. We grab our straws, napkins, etc.
"Go touch her ass" I heard a guy whisper. I noticed its the same group of guys.
Justin noticed I was uncomfortable, he looked at me confused.
I felt somebody squeeze my ass, I turn around and see its one of the guys from the group.
"Wtf man!?" I heard Justin yelling. He looked so piss off.
Justin begin to swing his arm.

Hey everyone. First chapter! Sorry it took long 😁 Anyway, I kinda change it up from my old Chapter One of this book. Bc it didn't make sense lmao. 😂

[sorry if there was any mistakes]💓

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